rescued prisoners

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I dont know where to put this post exactly so i puts it here i did.

When i come across some rescued prisoners floatin round the map and i DO have a spare slot or some units of one of their groups i cant recruit them as they say i dont have enough space in my army for them. I was hoping that you could still go into the party transfer screen and swap or fillout some of my slots more. I am not sure if this is a bug submission or a request so here it is.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yes true, It's not a bug, but I'd like that option too. If the rescued prisoners units aren't already in your party, then for each 'new' type of unit you need a free slot.
hi all,

Me personally, i would love to be able to send them to the four ways inn. i mean why would they want to roam around the open land and be attacked when they could start a new collony in the four ways inn :wink:........but this is once again my opinion :wink:
Nice idea thorins, i never thought of it. That would be a cool idea, but i think they should still walk to there and if they get attacked on the way you might save them, for more realism(but hey it's a game, it's not real anyways :razz: ) .

I love it when people add-on to ideas and they ROCK :cool: .

[Edited out] "add-on to my ideas" [Edited out] I meant add-on to ideas in general.

Keep em comin.
thorins said:
hi all,

Me personally, i would love to be able to send them to the four ways inn. i mean why would they want to roam around the open land and be attacked when they could start a new collony in the four ways inn :wink:........but this is once again my opinion :wink:

So you want to make the four ways your own fort(tress)?
hooooooo i love that. give the 4-ways inn meaning. and yes, let them be killed on the way to it, why not? this is useful imho, and not much work recoding!

rocking idea!!
this is how you get that rescued knight in that swarm of peasants in your party even though you only have spot for him:

tell marnid or borcha to take a hike, then leave some troops with them. talk to the peasant swarm and have them join you as you now have room for them. disband the peasants and keep the knight, and then get marnid and/or borcha back in your party
I must be missing something here, because I have no idea what you are referring to. When you say rescued, do you mean when you have just finished the rescue, or do you mean you can actually recruit troops from those which wander around and are labeled, "Rescued Troops"? If it is the latter, I am glad you mentioned this. They always just want to say 'hi' to me.

=$= Big J Money =$=
these are prisoners of the party you just destroyed. say you just took out a party of dark knights and they had some river pirates, peasants, vaegir knights and archers as their prisoners. after the battle you can recruit them into your party. if you don't recruit them, then they wander around in their own group as "rescued prisoners" there is a bug that won't let you recruit them again unless you have room in your party for all of them, plus any prisoners that they may have gathered
Was gonna post this anew but I found this thread so I'm bumping it.

It does seem silly that you can't recruit just some of the wandering rescued prisoners. It should just go to a screen like the one at the end of a battle, so you can choose which to take and which to leave.
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