Request for Future plans for the game.

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225 hours of game play so I can't say it's not fun, however there are some features that would be great to be added to the game.

When you are married to a woman who already got children and they are young, the natural thing in those days would be they are adopted by you or at least under your control, today that's not the case.

Hire of security mercenaries to patrol the towns you control, yes I know there is a mod, but I'm not used mods as I would like it to be an in game feature.

A familiy tree that will show who you're connected to by married (who your children is married to) uncles, cousins etc.

Alliance system where you can form an alliance with another kingdom who will support you in battles.

The governor system need to be expanded so you can control more than just 7 units, yes you can produce a lot of kids and use them however it would be nice to see this system expanded by a possibility to hire someone to manage your castles as I see a governor is more related to a city.

Need to clarify the 7 units as you get more as you level up, my point is in the early game if you advance very fast you run out of options and there should be another way to control what you get, like assigning local administrators.
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And pirates. We need pirates. And pirate ships. Set in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy.

We need Bannerlord: Caribbean!!
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Late game is getting VERY lame because of snow-balling If smaller nations would "ally" against a super-power ....hmmmm .. thinks, Russia V Ukraine + <insert here> + <insert here> ... that would make game interesting.

Playing in the sandbox, you start out fighting a lot to level up, later it shifts into a management game, and that's not bad, however the options are very limited, and your political struggle get kind of boring as you cannot maneuver much around, for the late game features the political options need to be more fleshed out.
Playing in the sandbox, you start out fighting a lot to level up, later it shifts into a management game, and that's not bad, however the options are very limited, and your political struggle get kind of boring as you cannot maneuver much around, for the late game features the political options need to be more fleshed out.

Yeah some of the aspects of CK3 would be a great addition. Better diplomacy and empire management are needed.
And pirates. We need pirates. And pirate ships. See in the Caribbean during the Glden Age of Piracy.

We need Bannerlord: Caribbean!!"

Don't need to go so far in the future. Look at the Barbary corsairs during the middle ages. Aserai would be perfect for this piracy mechanic. Looting and raiding imperial and vlandian coasts.
Yeah some of the aspects of CK3 would be a great addition. Better diplomacy and empire management are needed.
that would be great. In my opinion that is the big flaw in this game, which makes it an empty shell; there is no diplomacy.
The worst thing is that it doesn't seem to be in their plans to work on this soon.
Also when you control a large army, you are not charging in the front lines, you stay behind and manage the battle, I would like a feature where you issue the order as you do now and then the order is giver by horns or flags, yes it's QoL features but still for the immersion :smile: (God I hate that word)
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