Request for a upgrader

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Hi everyone. I have a little question for modders, or coders: Can any of You smart people make a mod, that I could upgrade all troops at the same time. For example I could upgrade 1000 Khergit tribesmen to 1000 Khergit Clansman at one little click, because ctrl+LMB doesn't work.
Here's hoping someone responds:

What is the code in warband that allows ctrl click function for the upgrade all troops? Could it be backported to M&B?
İt should be one of the things that are hardcoded in the game engine like making time flow faster while travelling by pressing ctrl+space. I only know one guy around the forum who does similar things, Leonion from the Perisno mod.
Some of his interesting stuff on troops screen:
He made an OSP out of that code. Here is the forum link:
Ask him on the osp link or send a message. He may help you.
Awesome, thanks for the pointers, although this workaround does seem to focus on troop transfers, which I imagine would be easier to code with than upgrading, but maybe I will find something promising! Thanks.
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