Request: Diato (Katana) Please.

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Would there happen to be anyone who can release a Diato (katana), Shoto (wakazashi) and Nodashi (two handed) mod?
I understand there is already a mod in the works to convert M&B to Japanese style, however, I would use these until that mod came out.

If anyone cares to try thier hand at it, or, has some made already, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks =)
guys he/she asked you something you don't need to correct him/her. Just answer his question. Nobody must speak with a perfect grammer!

My opinion is you can speak with mitsuhide(if the name is correct). She/he is making a new japanese mod. Gotcha help him/her.
Actually it was a simple type-o. No-dachi was what I had intended to type.

Too bad that people will nitpick about a typo hehe

Thanks MaDpRoGrAmMeR for defending me, appreciated.
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