request a castle mod please

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cansome one plz make a mod when you can conquer town and defend town that would be pretty awsome and make huge castle
How's it not possible? All it require's is a Castle map , And that the unit's spawn in there. It would be normal , and then if u win , your faction take's the castle.

Although i can understand making the code to switch faction's for a castle could be hard. The map shouldn't be a huge worry.
WipperSnipper said:
How's it not possible? All it require's is a Castle map , And that the unit's spawn in there. It would be normal , and then if u win , your faction take's the castle.

Although i can understand making the code to switch faction's for a castle will be hard. The map shouldn't be a huge worry.
there is no way to force a certain map in the current version (according to another modder responding to a similar post -- i haven't double checked), so it doesn't matter how easy that map is to make. for the second part, i think that until the mod tools come out, the only possible way to do this is as someone who i can't remember suggested and put two of each city on the map, swapping them as necessary. and thats just annoying.
"there is no way to force a certain map"
How the hell does zendar load then? Or the tavern's , Or any parts of the city.
What you suggest is that it is purely by luck that when i go to a tavern the tavern map load's.

And the second part...i just didn't understand what that mean't.

But , I don't think forcing a map should be very hard , I mean it work's fine when you go to zendar doesn't it?
I think he meant, there is no way for us at this time to force a certain map.

The idea kicked around about conquering towns was to have two copies of the town, veagir owned and swadian owned (maybe a third, neutral version) to swap out to simulate being taken over.

And it may not be too hard, we just don't have to tools to do it yet. So it's most likely not possible right now. Feel free to poke around the code if you want to figure out a way.
Can't do much coding until the tools come out. Not everything is possible for the players to use, right now. Only minor changes like, changing the stats of units or replacing graphics etc, I guess. (I dont know much, I am not a coder)
thanks for rewording that for me, Nairagorn. but about zendar and the arena and such, my personal belief is that those aren't maps. i think what happens in the game is that it loads a piece of land, which is like a map, but itsn't. 'land' prevents the use of weaponry and is consistent every time. it also makes the ai noncombat. that means you can walk around and see other people and interact with them, but they dont't try to kill you. what i'm confused by is the arena though. it looks as if it was the same type of land as everywhere else, but it allows combat. anyone have any ideas? or a better theory that doesn't have this problem?
anyone who can help me to use the unofficial editor whne a press on the edit source bottom nothing happens do a hafto put it somewhere
Zendar, the tavern, the merchant and the arena are all maps. You can find them in the manifolds and the meshes folders.
Actually... if you look at it, the arena could make a good outer wall that surrounds a castle, or a town like Zendar. That could be a quick mod if the tools allow it. :idea:
is there really any way to superimpose landscapes over another? i don't know graphics, but that just doesn't sound like something that could be done without huge effort by the programmers. its probably easier just to make your own wall
You could superimpose the landscapes by renaming them or editing the towns file. Creating a new landscape/building is very hard without the mod tools, but it is possible, the olny problem would be the texture alignment.
i don't mean to put map elements over each other. that's easy. i mean what bloodmerc was saying, about using parts of one landscape for another. that sounds harder than making a new one, doesn't it? or is there something i'm missing about what either of you mean?
Oh I'm prolly wrong here, whenever I'm thinking about map editing I always think in terms of worldcraft/hammer (hl/hl2 map editor) lol :oops: . This game uses all kinds of math and codes and whatnot so I don't think its the same.
compfreak said:
thanks for rewording that for me, Nairagorn. but about zendar and the arena and such, my personal belief is that those aren't maps. i think what happens in the game is that it loads a piece of land, which is like a map, but itsn't. 'land' prevents the use of weaponry and is consistent every time. it also makes the ai noncombat. that means you can walk around and see other people and interact with them, but they dont't try to kill you. what i'm confused by is the arena though. it looks as if it was the same type of land as everywhere else, but it allows combat. anyone have any ideas? or a better theory that doesn't have this problem?

They arn't map's? What exactly are they then?

And also , the npc's not attacking you , has absolutely nothing to do with the map. You can set their "hostility" if you'ed call it that. Eg. You can pick if u want them to be a enemy , friendly , etc , etc.

Also - A "Peice of land" , Is a map. A "Map" Is just the common term for the in-game thing you play in. No game has no "maps" because , Without them. You would be walking in void.
the problem is caused by my wording. i should have said maps and battle maps. the original post talked about forcing a battle map. i said it wasn't possible to force a map, when i should have said battle map. you can see that i said that in less clear terms in your quoted post.
a piece of land, which is like a map, but itsn't.
i was trying to use 'land' as a lingual distinction between maps and battle maps. it didn't work.
I don't know about hostility though. i would have programmed it to be part of the map and not the loading sequence as you're saying, but only armagan knows which is used. then again, i have strange programming logic.
Bloodmerc, you are wrong, it is similar to hammer. You make the map in Blender and export it. But since the exporter isn't available to us at the moment the only way to edit the map is by complex "math and codes"
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