Report Spelling Mistakes...

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Lord Deggial

I have found some spelling mistakes at the beginning of the game. I'm sure all of them are caused from high-speed typing :wink: I thought it might make your work easier if I report them here. Also I encourage other beta testers to report them if they encounter any...
Trainer at Zendar:
*In the dialogue starting with "I am the trainer of Zendar. If you want to take part in the tournaments..."
- making training mendatory -> mandatory

* In the dialogue"The most important thing abaout -> about ..."
- Also in the same dialogue: "attacking is maintaing" -> maintaining

Kradus at Zendar:
* At the end of the dialogue starting with "You can not block it obviously, ..."
- "... your opponent can not maneavour" -> maneuver

Ramun The slave trader at Zendar:
* In the dialogue starting with: "Actually it is not that easy. Blunt weapons like clubs do less damage than..."
- "... But of course thay are" -> they are
- Also in the same dialogue: "Not may people can do that." -> Not many people...

You see, every one of this mistakes are in Zendar :smile: and I don't think there are many others in the game. But you know, first impression is important...
When Xerina is explaining the relative safety of arena fights (The_torunament_fights_are_not_so_dangerous_if_you_do_things_right), tournament is misspelled.

The tutorial dialog that comes up when a new character first enters the overworld is titled "Tutroial"

I haven't checked this, but in conversation.txt, it seems that at one point, Borcha thanks you for freeing him from Dhorak Keep, rather than Rivacheg.
And how about those bits that still have the underscore in them? Like sea_raiders, late_evening, etc. Not a big deal, would be nice if it was out though.

Oh, and some more capitalization wouldn't hurt. Like Zendar instead of zendar :smile:
well technically, if you are using the correct spelling (English UK) as you are with dialogue then it should be: manoeuvre not maneuver
This might have been mentioned elsewhere, but when you're given a quest to get items of a type which the plural spelling is different than the singular form(i.e. footman or boots), it just adds an "s." So footman becomes footmans and boots becomes bootss. Those are the only ones I've seen so far. I can post pictures if you need me to.
infest said:
This might have been mentioned elsewhere, but when you're given a quest to get items of a type which the plural spelling is different than the singular form(i.e. footman or boots), it just adds an "s." So footman becomes footmans and boots becomes bootss. Those are the only ones I've seen so far. I can post pictures if you need me to.
Swadian Men At Arms become Swadian Men At Armss.
I'm assuming you can just Ctrl-F Notepad to find the words, so I won't bother listing where they are.

First, here are some words that occur a number of times incorrectly:

Good_bye (should be Goodbye or maybe Good-bye)
god (given that everyone appears to be monotheistic here, this should always be capitalized)
can_not (should be can't or cannot, not technically incorrect but distinctly strange-looking)
allright (should preferably be all right, but alright is established if frowned upon by some)

Now some one-time mistakes:

I_must_leave_now._Good_bye (in addition to normal Good_bye problem, missing a period)
No_that (should be No,_that)
and_fight_calmly (should be and_fighting_calmly in context)
Looks_like_you’ve (there's a spacing bug there, an extraneous tab after the apostrophe)
be_of_the_fighters (should be be_one_of_the_fighters)
Good_bye (this is the second-to-last line in the .632 conversation.txt, and that's all the line says. It's missing a period)

Those are just a handful. Maybe I'll list some more some other time.

Hey ppl where is that code page? As patriotic Englishman I'd like to make it into English (As opposed to its current Anglo-American spellings). It's a trivial thing I'll admit, but this is coming from the bloke who prefers Call of Duty to all of the Medal of Honour games simply because to the spelling of 'honour' staring up every time I see the front cover...
how about changing the floater "X knocked unconsious by Y" to "X WAS knocked unconcious by Y"?

Just cosmetic, but still. I think it would be better.
When you lose a training fight :oops: and then talk to the trainer afterwards, there are some strange spaces in the middle of the first sentence.

PS: Just registered! Happy happy bliss! Level 9 already. :cool:
Hi! Not sure if this is a misspelling or if it is for real but I think it is a "heater" shield.
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