replaced of Vaegir with roman style troops mini-mod...

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I have replaced whole of vaegir's army with roman style of pre-marius army. What I basically did was renaming all name of troops while simulating their equipments based on Mount and Blade's medieval era eqiuipment close to roman equipment as possible.

For example, when you have hastati, you'll have chain mail armour, skull (sp?) helmet, leather boot, with battle shield, broadsword (trying to find better weapons that are close to gladius), and few of javerlin. Taiarii get improved shield with spears, plus better quality of armours. After testing them against enemy army, they were succesfully, but still need some more of tweaking. I have done alot of tweaking to roman cavalry system, and they are in beta stage.

I also have added gladitors, they are very fast and ferious fighter, but doesn't have armour (except for helmet and leg armours). They are easy to get killed, unless you know how to use them properly.

Will someone be kind enough to host my pre-marius reform of roman mini-mod for me? this mod requires huge mod v2.0 and mag. 7 v.15 or later.

Eagle out...
Sound's good , Some advice though - Maybe you should make a copy of the javelin and have same stats (diff name) and not make it buyable , then set qauntity to 1 , since i doubt triarri (spelling?) ran around with armor , sheild , sword and 15 javelin's :razz:
hastati shoudnt have any chainmail... principes should tho...
so basically this is it:
Hastati: helmet, shield, stabbing sword, javelins
Principes: chainmail, helmet, shield, stabbingsword, javelins
Triarii: chainmail, helmet, shield, spear
Velites: helmet, small shield, dagger, javelins-a-plenty
WipperSnipper said:
Sound's good , Some advice though - Maybe you should make a copy of the javelin and have same stats (diff name) and not make it buyable , then set qauntity to 1 , since i doubt triarri (spelling?) ran around with armor , sheild , sword and 15 javelin's :razz:

naah... mostly they had 2 pilum to throw before a charge...
so maby he could make a "pilum" weapon that has a quantity of 2 and a bit more damage...
Hastati can wear chainmail. if he's from higher class in Servian Constitution order (the 1st class).

Polybius (?), a contemporary to Scipio Aemilianus and himself a cavalry officer in the 3rd Punic war recorded that the most wealthy class wears chainmail to distinguish other classes.
yeah but it was more common for hastati to have less armor... and its a good way to distinguish between them...
maby (since the comp randoms out the equipment) there could be a slight chance of them wearing chainmail, but most wear something less..
If this uses mag-7 as a base I think you should specify exactly which version it works with. Version.15 and V.16 have different troop.txt entries so if this was made with v.15 and someone tries to plug this into v.16 it will probably crash when the bandit armies spawn. Im pretty sure I at least added the bandit captain to lead the brigand_raiders in v.16.
Ancientwanker said:
If this uses mag-7 as a base I think you should specify exactly which version it works with. Version.15 and V.16 have different troop.txt entries so if this was made with v.15 and someone tries to plug this into v.16 it will probably crash when the bandit armies spawn. Im pretty sure I at least added the bandit captain to lead the brigand_raiders in v.16.

I am not sure which versions I am using, but I have posted these lines for these people to replace whole of vaegir's army, especially new archer horse and berserker. Because of that, they wont have to worry about having to install either of these v.15 or v.16 of your well done mag. seven mod.

Eagle out...
People this is a game...hehe... it doesn't have to be 100% historically Rome: Total War aint... but if you are creating a mod that you want to be 100% then it will take alot of time and critisism, but push through that and i think it will be a cool success.

So if it's going to atcually go ahead as a mod, Good Luck and have fun with the research :razz: .

so whats wrong with making it slightly more realistic than just throwing in a couple of units and calling them romans? (yea i know thats not what you did eagle, but still)
I´ve placed a largetext about roman legions in the other thread about this mod. Sorry for spelling mistakes :wink: .
Oddball_E8 said:
so whats wrong with making it slightly more realistic than just throwing in a couple of units and calling them romans? (yea i know thats not what you did eagle, but still)

What I basically am doing is using mount and blade, including huge mod and mag. 7's equipments and turn vaegir into roman style of army. I am not turning them into pure roman unless an offificial mods come out.

However, I am giving these roman style of army structures and changed vaegir's way of fighting in roman style of pre-marius army.

If these kind of mod are bothering you, you dont have to install them on your Mount and blade. I am releasing this as beta for anyone who want to try completely new kind of army. For example, your vaegir use many different types of shield and weapons, but in my roman army style mod, they only use specific weapons where they are assigned to, and you would have to different group of roman army as your own tactics against other enemy army.

For example, when facing Cataphract cavalry of black knight, I'd upgrade my princeps into triarii, since they are pure anti-cavalry and will stand up a chance against them. But yet, they will suffer some of losses due to powerful charging power of cataphract, but at the same time, when you put triarii into tight formations by yelling "HOLD POSITION" at starting of battle, they will work as pack and start to reaper down these cataphract cavaly when their sharp spears poke rider off from horse. After my several battles, I have killed over 40 of cataphract while losing 25 of my Triarii. But when I fight against other cavalry without cataphract, I destroyed their army with only small losses.

Therefore, you would use Hastati/Princeps/triarii combined to face any kind of army, especially your velies, archer, roman syrian archers, and cavalry.

The feedback, suggestions on how to fix issues and adding new features, and support from these community of Blade and Mount is what will help me to improve my beta to next level and prepare them before the release of new stablized version of Blade and Mount.

Because if they are well prepared, then it will take us alot less time to start working on actual Rome empire mod. We would start importing new models, rebalance army of roman, and start using an extra new features offered by new version of Blade and Mount.

And after the final release of roman army style for Mount and Blade, before the release of new M and B, I will release hellentic of Greek's army style for you guys to beta test.

Eagle out...
that comment wasnt directed at you.. it was directed at mitto_mors... and it was about my comment of the hastati not being uniformally equipped with chainmail...

too bad you wrote all that for nothing :wink:
Oddball_E8 said:
that comment wasnt directed at you.. it was directed at mitto_mors... and it was about my comment of the hastati not being uniformally equipped with chainmail...

too bad you wrote all that for nothing :wink:

Well... at least I got an extra post count, dont I? Just kidding!


Eagle out...
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