Renown Idea from Sir Dragunov

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Sergeant Knight
Sir Dragunov said:
Improved ‘Renown’ System (First Draft)

What does renown mean?
Renown or fame is the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed throughout the lands. Your renown, along with faction, shows how people react to you. The more renown you have, the more you will be liked and praised.

What’s currently wrong with Mount and Blade: Warband’s renown system?
My opinion is the current renown system is bland and dreary. The system doesn’t really dive deep into the world; renown is only useful towards men/female of status (King’s etc). Although the renown system does it job, it isn’t really convincing considering you can’t really stretch your renown to limits where you get reactions from townsfolk and bandits.

How can the renown system be improved?

Renown plays a very big part in the Mount and Blade: Warband but it can be enhanced or in other words, it can be pleasurable.  This is what I had in mind….

1 Renown titles would be entertaining and interesting in-game, renown titles are names that the people of Calradia will give you depending on what weapons you use, how you fight and your general activities around the lands. Titles could vary from “The Two Headed archer” to “The Night Warrior”, each with its own unique meaning. It would give the player authentication that their actions have made a mark on the world, and that they’re known throughout Calradia.

ExampleMy character is a swordsman who fights with his loyal horse, after several battles the people of Calradia have decided to call him “The Horseback Swordsman” because he is talented with the sword and he is an expert rider.

2Requests would also be another compelling and motivating feature for renown. Forget recruiting peasants or hiring mercenaries, if your known throughout the lands warriors will come and seek you out so they can join your party for far less than what you would normally offer. This feature would be great because it would again, give players confirmation that they are leaving their mark on the world and it would also “verify” that the player is a superior commander.

ExampleMy character has been chasing and wiping out bandits for weeks, he makes camp and is suddenly approached by a group of peasants who wish to join his party.

Example 2 My character has just successfully raided a castle, impressed by his courage and strength several mercenary horsemen approach him and ask to join his army for no cost.

3Celebrations and statues would by far be one of the funniest renown features there is. Small peasant Villages (only Villages of the same faction as the player) will celebrate the player’s victories (Only if the player has a good relationship with the Village) and even build statues of the player in their village center.  Celebrations will bring in money, renown and could coincide with requests.

Example My character has just destroyed a Nord army and captured a man of high-status, a Village the player is familiar with has just heard the news and has decided to hold a celebration for the players victory.

The suggestion is very short but I am looking for feedback before I proceed with more ideas, thank you for taking your time to read my suggestion. All feedback will be appreciated. If any modders are interested, I can send a full Design Document so they can create the system.
A very interesting idea. Diplomacy does seem an appropriate place for this, as it has already incorporated renown into village recruitment, for instance.

I'm personally most enamored with point 2, as the first seems primarily a cosmetic feature (one can change their character's name to whatever they wish at any time) though not a bad one, and the third while interesting would at best provide "flavor" and at worst double rewards for quests by providing money/renown again after it had already been given. Since renown is itself already a reward...and a reward granted for "grinding" one may even say, one wouldn't want to totally overpower it by having it bring it excess income, etc. But flavoring the world more is always an advancement.

For the second bit, triggers could perhaps be added to check for the amount of renown increase...after a threshold level, with a high enough increase, you have a % chance of soldiers showing up to stand for your banner. Perhaps a few new global variables, charting number of victories over a set period of time, etc as well.

As for the epithets from the first part of the suggestion would be interesting to expand to NPC lords, too.  Perhaps some of the work of the expanded Nobility title kit would be useful...and then how Custom Commander changes troop names. One could edit lord's names to include an epithet (the Just, the Terrible, the Cowardly, the Impotent...what have you) after certain triggers are met. That seems do-able.

I really like the idea to let the calradians give you (and maybe AI lords too) surnames reflecting the greatest deeds of a character. It adds ...uhmmm...character or let's say personality to any character.
I'm always having a hard time distinguishing the AI lords especially when they change their titles (btw: shouldn't it be possible to correct that bug that tells you "Jarl xyz has left rhodoks and is rumored to have joined nords" by using the correct variables?)

As for statues and stuff: I don't really care about monuments to honor me but it could add to a city's flair. However this would involve graphical modding. But I could imagine village that actually ask you to allow them joining/being released from the related villages of your town/castle (maybe only with more freedom policy).

For the volounteer idea: I love it and I think it could be done in a way that makes volounteers of low to mid tier troops appear in your fiefs garrisons temporarily and let you choose some promising recruits. (Perhaps this could also work for companions) Maybe even troops you can't recruit regularily like manhunters and sword sisters (the troop trees of course). And there should be a chance that deserters decide to join you rather than to fight you.

Great idea! i think that renown should also allow you to talk your way out of battles you may or may not lose : example i am the horsemen of the sword do you really think your army can defeat mine? the casualties will be too great let us both withdraw. : very well you are known through out the lands as a fierce warrior next time we meet it will be a different story.

obviously you cant use that every time but it would be cool once in a while to be able to use that on a lower renowned lord or something like that.
For renown titles, it would be rather difficult to detect fighting styles dynamically and put them into varying strings, and I wouldn't be particularly fond of the idea even if it were implemented. I could change my name any time in-game. It wouldn't really add much.

The second idea sounds great, as long as it wasn't used too much. It would be annoying to be approached every day. A large group approaching the player to join him every couple of weeks would be good. Time flies by when using Ctrl+Space while traveling.

The third idea sounds somewhat possible to implement, but not at all feasible. You'd have to create two of every single village scene each edited to have a statue of the player and switch them when certain conditions are met. Further, it wouldn't be possible to have a statue of specifically the player, because there's no way to make a dynamic object of the player character looking like a statue. It would be nice if it were implemented, in theory. But I find it doubtful that a one man team would be able to do such a gigantic project.
Schemer said:
For renown titles, it would be rather difficult to detect fighting styles dynamically and put them into varying strings, and I wouldn't be particularly fond of the idea even if it were implemented. I could change my name any time in-game. It wouldn't really add much.

Hmm, you could also forge yourself some olympic gold medals but you'd always know you didn't earn them. It's a very different thing if people (the game) promote you a title because you deserved it. It's similar to those steam achievements some people (not me) are after: You don't feel recognized if you just lie to yourself about having them.
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