SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Remove party size minimum to invite to army for clan members

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Please remove the feature that requires a party to have a minimum strength to join army only for parties that are in your direct clan, it makes no sense, they are in my party, it makes sense if its another clan within your kingdom, but my brother should always be able to be attached to my army, especially when it is below strength.
I have made the mistake of disbanding my army when my brothers party is low by a few troops, only for the AI to work its magic and get the whole party annihilated and get himself captured 100% of the time, seriously.
Yes his party is set on defensive
Yes he has high skills and sick gear, t6 troops, doesnt matter.
I understand if i am currently at war the party has a high chance of dying, thats why i want the ability to safeguard my parties at all times, because the AI is garbage
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