What I'm saying is, at this moment the crossbow is much more powerful then bow.
It has longer range, more damage, and the reloading speed is only only slightly slower then bow.
And While you need to use several skill point to use some of the powerful bows, you only need some STR to use a crossbow.
The only advantage I can see in using a bow in this game is when using it on horseback, but with new 0.700 you can now use light crossbow on horseback too(although loading time on horseback is much slower then on foot).
So what I'm suggesting is to make the crossbow reload slower to give a advantage to both side.
I want to see
Bow:low damage and range, but much faster loading time to crossbow.
Crossbow:High damage and range, but much slower loading time.
But at this moment its
Bow:low damage and range, and only slightly faster then crossbow.
Crossbow:High damage and range, and only slightly slower then bow.
So there isn't much point in using a bow isn't there?