SP - General Relations within clan should not be such a death-spiral

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Influence is gained slowly. But factions are constantly warring, voting to assign castles. Very quickly, my relations drop with everyone... or I get a slight gain with one faction, and a -100 w/ the others! I get there would be intra-clan competition, but it would not descend into endless hatred automatically. It makes it easy to give up on this mechanic very quickly
Trick is you can't drop below -100 and the more influence you spend on votes the more Reputation you get for voting for someone. So for example, if the 3 choices for Fief ownership are at -100 with you, dump a bunch of influence on one guy and you'll gain reputation a bunch of reputation with him while losing none with the others. (As it can't drop any lower) Next time a vote comes up, vote for someone else. Etc. Eventually you'll be positive with almost everyone, but currently unless you Mod the game... Reputation means jack when it comes to other Lords. Even if they're your vassal, nothing can stop them from just randomly leaving your Kingdom whenever they feel like it. Traits/Reputation/How many fiefs you give them, doesn't matter.

There's a mod out there that basically sets it so that Vassals can't quit your Kingdom unless they're at negative reputation, so that fixes it for now.
I do miss the Fiest, and the relation you gained from talking to lords after battles.

But you can gain relation from voting with out losing any relation, just by voting for 100% wining choices will boost relation with every one. If you wanna spend time micro managing you can check your reputation which each lord and carefully vote for a lord at a time but it is risky. I went from -33 with the king of Vladia to -3 in just 3 votes and I have not made any enemies.

If you are having problems getting influans for the votes, make sure you got a castle and a town then call a vote on the policies that give passive influence for being a fief holder. Most AI will vote for them since they have close to no negative outcomes. I am at +50 influance a day and I own 2 towns and 2 castle. Just be careful some policies give influence to the kingdom ruler and take away from you. Personaly I passed a few policies that increas the cost of influence to the ruler so he stops taking fiefs for himself but you don't want those to pass in your player rules kingdom

I do think the voting system should be improved and include a list of all lords of the kingdom and you only lose relation when voting against the 1 or 2 choices that have the majority of votes, like voting for yourself when you were not even in the battle.
I did not encounter this problem,quite the contrary, it is way too easy to have good relations with everyone in your faction, since you always gain more positive relation than negative in the votes. The fact that you are considered friends by just reaching a measly +15 relation is also quite silly and makes it way too easy to get the support by other nobles for pretty much anything.

The same is true for all ways to earn relations. Quests that give you relation hit, always grant more relation bonus than penalty, So there is a clear upward spiral over time and only if you actively go out of your way to **** with people could you ever go into the negatives.
Execution is a very fast way to make everyone hate yo though, but ofc this is always contained to a faction/culture, so if noone is left alive of said faction/culture, who really cares at the end....
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