Relations cannot decrease below -100?

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Searched but counldn't find an answer.

Relations cannot go below 100, I guess. Now whenever I jump a war party, I see:

"Your relations with ___ decreased from -100 to -100"
if that were the case, would the enemies not be sending backup in your direction, trying to hunt you down, start a war with you.
They should hunt me down.

Their war parties chase me down if I'm in the area, but the smaller patrols flee.
I don't really think it matters it can't go below -100, though. As long as your relations with someone are -1 or lower, they will try to attack you.

Is there any actual in game difference between relations of -1 and -100?
Actually, I do believe that people won't start attacking you until they have less than -3 relations with you (ha ha... relations) but, after that I really see no difference (maybe they attack you over instead of other hostile parties?).
The relations should be more concrete, and you could lose one 'hate-point'
every day you don't attack the enemies.
I'd like to know if the relations with the side you ally with actually increase or not.

I've recently met the -100 limit, and i reckon the relations should decrease in an exponential decay sort of way. Meaning the closer you get to -100, there harder it is to lose a relation point.
I think relations are at the moment almost worthless. I mean, +100 or +1 doesnt make any difference. or I havent noted at least.

Pfft, Bandits doesnt attack scouts but attack me which is odd because I and Scouts are both hired by that country etc.
I think there is a difference between +100 and +1. That is your status and wages. Not sure if this is related to another factor.
I love the hate points idea, it would make laugh so hard if right under my charisma score I could have a hate attribute. Maybe it would enhance my berserk attack.
Increased hate means more money to make up, at least for the Swadians/Vaegirs. It also probably makes them attack you over other enemies, and maybe it even affects how strong you have to be for them to run from you. (I wish it would . . . then I could get those damn mountain bandits to actually run. But I suspect not, alas.)

I think getting people to run from you is dependant only on how many troops you have. My 31 (ugly) leadership guy has a party of 69, and most everyone runs from him, but my 25 beserker guy has a party of 37 and gets targeted alot, especially by khergits.
You could easily mod a check in triggers.txt that checks every hour (gametime) to see if your hatred level for faction x is below a certain level or at -100... You could then spawn bounty hunters or whatever at any interval you wanted. If the mod tools werent right around the corner I would actually do this right now, its a good idea.

To add the check would break save-game compatibility though, you would need to remove a currently unused trigger to maintain the status quo. Im pretty sure that adding triggers breaks save game. But ive still got a few dead triggers to play with.

Anyway, this is something that a modder could do now and will only get easier once Armagan releases full info on the commands.
SCopE said:
what level are you then?

upped to level 48 today. Party of 80 (apx 50 knights, 25 hired blades, 2 companions).

re: the difference between -1 and -100, the color of the labels change, eventually to deep red. By labels, I mean the word "Swadian" under the city names, and the party labels ("Swadian war party"). Also, I would have to pay more for forgiveness. (Last I checked, it was about 5000 denirs.)

As soon as I'm on their radar, sizable Swadian war parties will come after me. I led one party in circles around Rivacheg until my health was back (I got crouched lance damage attacking their prisoner train).

I'm glad the war parties come after me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have many chances for good combat. I can't catch Khergits or Dark Hunters. If the Dark Hunter party is large, they'll come after me, but sometimes they change their mind at the last minute and run away. I have to wait until they're already engaged in a battle with a Vangir. Then I get to fight them.
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