SCopE said:
upped to level 48 today. Party of 80 (apx 50 knights, 25 hired blades, 2 companions).
re: the difference between -1 and -100, the color of the labels change, eventually to deep red. By labels, I mean the word "Swadian" under the city names, and the party labels ("
Swadian war party"). Also, I would have to pay more for forgiveness. (Last I checked, it was about 5000 denirs.)
As soon as I'm on their radar, sizable Swadian war parties will come after me. I led one party in circles around Rivacheg until my health was back (I got crouched lance damage attacking their prisoner train).
I'm glad the war parties come after me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have many chances for good combat. I can't catch Khergits or Dark Hunters. If the Dark Hunter party is large, they'll come after me, but sometimes they change their mind at the last minute and run away. I have to wait until they're already engaged in a battle with a Vangir. Then I get to fight them.