relation to cities: what's the point?

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Master Knight
So far I have been unable to recognise any advantages when your relation with a city is high (or disadvantages when low). Does anyone know what it does?
I believe you get better prices.

I found this on wiki (

"Each town and village has its own individual relations score with you. You can raise this by doing Village Elder and Guildmaster quests, which also help improve the prosperity of that town or village; you can lower it by attacking them. Increasing your relations with a town will decrease the cost of the items the various merchants sell by a factor of 0.5% for every +3 relations you have, (ex. 0 has no effect, 1-3 reduces by 0.5%, 4-6 reduces by 1% etc.), for a total of 16.5% reduced cost with 99 relations. Burning a village will affect your relations scores with the village and its owner but not with the faction itself. Besieging a town will lower your relations with the town, its owner, and the faction. If your reputation with a village is negative they are unlikely to have troops willing to join your party."

So, if you get 100+ with a city, and have 10 in trade you can get a total of 66,5% reduced cost, and get 66,5% more for what you sell. I don't know what the original rate is, but trade helps a ton. Think about it, just 3 levels in trade = 15%, and +100 with a city is 16,5%.... So running around and try getting +100 with every city is not much worth it.

But, if you hunt Sea Raiders I assume you mainly sell loot in Wercheg and Thir, so if you focus on getting relations with those two cities up a bit, it could indeed help you to more money.

But doing random city quests really don't pay off unless you get paid a lot by doing the quest of course.

But yes, again, improving relations with the city you visit a lot is probably a good idea ; )
Derethor said:
darklon7 said:
I would do so as to acquire cash from the guild master.

I agree. Id say getting a decrease in the cost of beter weapons will pay off in the long run.
I know in villages, if you have good relation with the village you can get veteran units.
darklon7 said:
Derethor said:
darklon7 said:
I would do so as to acquire cash from the guild master.

I agree. Id say getting a decrease in the cost of beter weapons will pay off in the long run.
I know in villages, if you have good relation with the village you can get veteran units.

Interesting, Didnt know that
Can be rare though and annoying if your're focusing on 1 branch of troops and the village provides you with the other...
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