Native Completed REKT- North Amerikan Dueling Tournament - jim rox

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Finally stopped being lazy へ(゜∇、°)へ -- Here's some bracket footage:

Mok vs. Zaffa (Winners Ro16) - This should just be labeled as First Round come to think of it, hm
Jim vs. Mok (Winners Quarters) - Horse MVP
PPK vs. Uni (Losers R1) - UniBunny imo you know, because jumping and ****
Beer vs. PPK (Losers R2) - I could've used the logo to better emulate the pokebattle intro, whoops
M vs. PPK (Losers Finals) - blocked in Germany, my bad.

I'm'a wait for Uni to release Jim4 before posting (or even starting cough) M vs. Jim. UNI VID HYPE

w/r/t my own video, uhh. Did you guys know I fought this entire tournament with a short sword? (except for desperation Beer strats). Interesting, right!? Yeah, I can't really feign enough enthusiasm to finish it at any reasonable pace. Whoop.
Well ****, I actually lost semi-closely to the winner of the tournament! Gratz Jim!  :grin:

I should probs quit NW and play Native more! xD
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