I couldnt find the real post to write critique in, so dont yell at me.
There is no doubt of content put in this mod, but there is two big problens with it - quality of map and (at least for latvians) crippled curonian and semigalian languange.
The map - its terrible and confusing, especially by incorrectly nade coastline and no importantly big rivers. This confuses me a lot where i am, even tough i clearly know where i am. Also city placement seems wtong that way, but i think its correct, but without correct coastlines and rivers its hard to tell.
The languages - ok, i might forgive if you wrote it in lithuanian, but what about prussians, jotwings, curonians and semigalians. They where smaller, yes, and a little less important, but dobt they deserve their own troop trees and languages. Especially curonians who should have viking influence in them. Also if you wrote it in any other language than lithuanian, prussian and jotwingan i must say i didnt understand single word of troops called (except for cav) without english trnslation.
Also i forgot to say that teutonic order wasnt like its in this, in prussian lands was teutonic order, in latvian and (later on in history) estonian lands was sworbrother, later livonian order.
Also the troop trees should be focused like this : prussians and jotwings - skirnish and defence, curonians - sea combat, semigalians - footmen focus, lithuanians - shock focus.
This will be get it sonehow historricly correct.
Also if you want it REALLY historricly correct, then Riga should be independent and called archibishoby of Riga, in latgaliathere should be a city called Cesis and independent and should be called... I forgot how it was, but when i remember ill tell you. In Osel (that island in north) there should be city called... I dont know that either, but it should be called bishoby of osel and vitebsk.