Regimental battle event, Sunday 17th

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As a little experiment on random event organization, Id like to throw together a little regimental event battle tomorrow at 7PM on the Main Musket Server.

The idea of this event is that each regiment which shows up will form its own line and a commander for each team will give these regiments orders. Perhaps the biggest difference from regular line battles is that each regiment will be expected to form a battle line be that a big one of 16 or a small one of 4-5. It will not be the case as in previous events where people are randomly assigned into 2-3 lines. Ideally cavalry and light regiments will also be able to participate fully in the battle.

All regiments who can put men on the field are welcome provided they are properly led. If circumstances are favorable, we might allow public players into an open regiment to fight alongside the regular units. Team-speak arrangements will be decided on the day but I think the Waterloo system of 1 regiment per channel with commanders on whisper will be used.

So rally your troops and lets see if we can ensure a good turnout for tomorrow, this is an ideal occasion to premier new units and make up for missing the Waterloo event, so I hope to see you there!
IrishPraetorian said:
As a little experiment on random event organization, Id like to throw together a little regimental event battle tomorrow at 7PM on the Main Musket Server.

The idea of this event is that each regiment which shows up will form its own line and a commander for each team will give these regiments orders. Perhaps the biggest difference from regular line battles is that each regiment will be expected to form a battle line be that a big one of 16 or a small one of 4-5. It will not be the case as in previous events where people are randomly assigned into 2-3 lines. Ideally cavalry and light regiments will also be able to participate fully in the battle.

All regiments who can put men on the field are welcome provided they are properly led. If circumstances are favorable, we might allow public players into an open regiment to fight alongside the regular units. Team-speak arrangements will be decided on the day but I think the Waterloo system of 1 regiment per channel with commanders on whisper will be used.

So rally your troops and lets see if we can ensure a good turnout for tomorrow, this is an ideal occasion to premier new units and make up for missing the Waterloo event, so I hope to see you there!

So you think that the 1st West Prussian Infantry Regiment can participate in the event even if we only can field 7 men right?
I don't really like all these small regiments with like 5 dudes, can't you join another regiment with more people so we can have a good bit of filled out regiments instead of lots of small ones with botches of people :sad: :/
Dude i really like this idea!  100% for it, but it clashes with our native training every sunday, so most of the 52nd couldnt take part, but ive been battlin for that using seperate teamspeak channels for clearer commands, and seeing alot of the regiments taking part!!

any chance after this Sunday you could move it to a saturday instead???

ive also mentioned a similar idea here, but at a earlier time,141515.0.html

we always have a good showing of members, its just our native training is bang on 7pm on Sundays
I beleive the 4th French Hussars would love a scrap. or is this only an infantry event? :sad:

if not, we're fully staffed *unless we're really unlucky on the day* and well led :smile:
4th Hussars Smithy said:
I beleive the 4th French Hussars would love a scrap. or is this only an infantry event? :sad:

if not, we're fully staffed *unless we're really unlucky on the day* and well led :smile:

oh wow, scrap that, it was early/late xD yes, im sure the 4th shall be on the french side of battle :smile:
Yeah, 4th Hussar will be there on the french side. Tho I am not sure how many will come. I & Smithy will make sure to inform everyone in our regiment.
I'm sure the 84e can get some guys on tonight. It would be helpfu if you could specify the timezone. I'm gonna assume 19:00 GMT for now.

Thanks for putting it together, sounds like it'l be fun. :grin:
Yes the 84e will be attending with what numbers we have tonight, and again as said by Vulkaan before me we need the time.
Good to see this much interest! Its not an infantry only event cavalry are welcome also, but for balance sake we might want to keep the option of dismounting them open.

Time is 7PM London Time or 7 hours from whence this post is made. Right now the event is considered a one off but if its popular enough we might change the time to something more suitable for higher attendance.

See you all tonight!
dam, not sure if the 52nd can make this tonight, as i said, being our native training is at the same time,  but with more regiments joining up to the fray,  may have to see if we can get out of it :grin:  hope this becomes a frequent thing
oblivion618 said:
Btw the timezone your looking for is BST (GMT+1).

I take it its alright for the Prussian regiments to join in?

So it is, and yes the Prussian regiments, as indeed all regiments, will be welcome, although they will need to don British or French uniforms as required.
but cause of the waterloo update, it only has France and  British meaning any other regiments from let say prussia, dead? just my guess. hope they put a new update with way more factions.
Im happy to take the weaker team but I still need a second, we have a few candidates already but if anyone else is interested post here.
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