Reference Pictures: Epirus

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Please post good references, and no game ones. If I get enough, they may make it ingame. I am lacking books about these guys.
I must be honest, I don't know much about these guys. Considering the lack of references, I might lean towards some liberty with them to add to the different looks of each faction.

There are some nice variations between greeks themselves, the kind of helmets adopted by the lacedaemonians and athenians, the thessalian and macedonian cavalry units and so on. I will keep as much greek factions as possible without making them repetitive. I want players to look at a guy and know which faction he is, and even tell what's his family from his shield device. If greeks are kept that way, along with the unique thracians, scythians, illyrians, epirotes and future persians, then there'll a nice, individual flavour for each faction, that's one of my goals for the alpha. Another goal is to keep everyone in there while still focusing on the historical conflict between the two big players.
Heh, don't expect to find something useful from Epeiros coins. THe best they can do is a corinthian helmet wearing Athena and a Pegas:
(oops, this is probably an Ambrakian coin. But close enough :wink:)

Merlkir said:
Heh, don't expect to find something useful from Epeiros coins. THe best they can do is a corinthian helmet wearing Athena and a Pegas:

Yeah. Their territory will have to be there nonetheless, because of the map dimensions. I'm thinking about giving them some fictional flavour but nothing too exagerated. I'll take a look around the web to get some inspiration.


If anyone has some nice ideas or pictures that might look good, feel free to reply.


I'm looking for something savage, kinda barbarian mixed with some intimidating gear.
Since the "illyrian" helmet is originally greek, maybe the Epiroteans could use something similar?

    Yeah he is a bit anachronistic.From all i ve read they used typical hoplites in their tactics and at one point the Illyrians had stolen from them hoplite shield and thoraxes with much booty but it was a trick from the Epirotes to ambush them and kill them off in one fell swoop. They used tricks as well such as dressing a few of their men as Illyrians to trick them from a distance -as they had obviously prominent differences- and attack them while unprepared.

Onasander, Stratagems
Aeneas the Tactician, Poliorketika - on Siege warfare
And Polyaenus Stratagems make mentions of them in several occasions. I have to find my notes.
From all i ve read they used typical hoplites in their tactics

That's impossible. Prior Philip and Alexander they were typical northern "Greeks" - strong noble horse and tribal infantry - mostly javelinmen.
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