Reenactment Group in south yorkshire, England

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Just asking guys, do any of you people know about a reenactment group in or near south yorkershire, Thanks in advance
I tried that frist,just came up with a load of junk. Thanks for the help thought.

Alex_Augmented said:
Just go to Nottingham, not too far away, and you'll be in a battlefield already.

Nice one. We do hate the Scabs in Doncaster
Try Regia Anglorum if you're looking for the saxon/viking era, I'm pretty sure they had a couple of groups in yorkshire.
I was in a group of early saxon reenactment. I could name some, but wouldn't help you cause they are here in germany.
Sushiman70 said:
**** Doncaster!, GO HULL CITY!!!, but seriously, don't you'll get stabbed within 5 minutes of getting off the train.

Haha, i'd like to see you walk around donny city center wearing a hull city shirt. My friend you would be the one getting stabbed!

But were still better than leeds at least..

James Hayter :grin:

Anyways, im going to lock this topic now. Thanks for the help anyway guys
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