Recruitment Administrator at Official_The_Deluge_Server

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We are looking for three people to take up position of administrators on our event server, both during "The Deluge Organized Warfare" and normal games.

We require impartiality, good behavior and knowledge of event's and server's rules. We look for people who actively play The Deluge.

Application form:

Time(per week) you can dedicate to taking care of the server:
Your skill with English language (on scale from 1 to 10):
Did you familiarize yourself with event's rules?

Warning! We accept applications until 7th of May 2014

Well then:

Nick: Friedrich_von_Wasserburg
Age: 18
Time per week: 7-8 hours, about 1 hour a day or a bit more
English: 10, it's my native language
Rules: Fully understood
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