Recruiting Cavalry, equipping companions???

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How does one effectively wage war with no cavalry and companions with featherweight equipment?

If someone could be so kind as to help me in this matter...

How does one effectively wage war with no cavalry and companions with featherweight equipment?

If someone could be so kind as to help me in this matter...

Build a financial empire first. Partner with Local gangs. Raid nearby kingdoms but do good in the other kingdom. Soon enough all your companions can have custom forged equipment.
It is more like doing small quests for them. Whenever you get into an alleyway scuffle (bring lots of companions with good civilian gear). You get some loot of whatever workshops the local gang lords own. An example is when I attacked a silver workshop. I ended up with a good amount of Silver. And another asked me to go to Prosos to fence some stolen goods. Simple travel for 800 some coins. Granted this still may risk you getting caught by locals snitching on you to the kingdom.
You can change character by clicking the arrows next to character name at the top of the screen as already mentioned. And you can set up the civilian clothes also for your companions. To be able to upgrade troops into cavalry units you must have horses for them in your inventory. Also horses in inventory even if not given to cavalry or companions increase your travel speed (and carry capacity? Have to check). So actually having some mules in inventory just to increase movement speed is a valid option. You can also slaughter them if running out of food.
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