recruiting bug

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When I choose a culture for my kingdom, it still gives me pendor troops no matter what. I looked on the forums and it seems like you're supposed to get 1/2 troops from your culture and 1/2 from the culture of the location you're recruiting from. But, I always get 1/2 pendor 1/2 other, even though I've chosen the empire culture. I figured this was a bug, but nobody has said anything about it, and it isn't in the issue thread. Please let me know if you're supposed to always get 1/2 pendor troops. If so, what is the point of choosing a culture.
It takes some time if the village starts producing your  new faction troops. Like, you´re the third party. Pendor recruits and previous recruits are standard, but it will take some time until you will get your faction´s recruits.
Actually, this is a bug.  Saxondragon has already addressed it for 2.03.  Right now, all kingdoms are defaulting to Pendor troops instead of that kingdom's troops.  :shock: :oops:

So basically, no matter what kingdom culture you choose, the game acts like you chose old Pendor.

If it isn't on the known issues thread, it will be soon.

But hey, at least you can collect up some pendor knights, foot knights and gray archers for your honor troops before the change goes into effect for .03....


Thanks for the reply Misguided. I figured it was one of the bugs with this version. SD and the rest of the PoP people are doing a great job with this mod. I'm sure 2.03 will come out pretty soon. You can close this thread if you want, since it's already been addressed.
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