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Forgive me guys but i haven t understand how can i recruit new lords in the latest version of this very nice mod.
Can someone explain to me how can i recruit lords to my new kingdom (i have declare myself indipendent from a kingdom and i have change the name of my country in city of pendor)?

ps  forgive my bad english :grin:
Re di Carladia said:
Forgive me guys but i haven t understand how can i recruit new lords in the latest version of this very nice mod.
Can someone explain to me how can i recruit lords to my new kingdom (i have declare myself indipendent from a kingdom and i have change the name of my country in city of pendor)?

ps  forgive my bad english :grin:

You need to capture them and have a good enough relationship with them to get them to offer vassalage.  The best way that I have heard of is "catch and release".  After you beat them in combat, let them go until you get at least 20 relation with them.  Then next time you beat them, hold them captive.  If you then go talk to them the option to ask them to join them should appear in the dialogue.

There is more detail available if you search the forum for it.  This question has been covered before.
tjank you man i ll try to do like this.

One other question: can u seat automatical garrison or u must add soldiers manually to your town?
Re di Carladia said:
tjank you man i ll try to do like this.

One other question: can u seat automatical garrison or u must add soldiers manually to your town?

You need to garrison your castles and towns yourself. If you give them to a lord, they will be automatically garrisoned. If you take them back from the lords after some time, you will take over the current garrison, but of course loose relationship with the lord (I don't know, why one needs a good relationship with lords after they are on the players side, anyway...).

Has been covered as well, though.
SCGavin said:
Re di Carladia said:
tjank you man i ll try to do like this.

One other question: can u seat automatical garrison or u must add soldiers manually to your town?

You need to garrison your castles and towns yourself. If you give them to a lord, they will be automatically garrisoned. If you take them back from the lords after some time, you will take over the current garrison, but of course loose relationship with the lord (I don't know, why one needs a good relationship with lords after they are on the players side, anyway...).

Has been covered as well, though.

Makes sense in human logic,kings get assassinated,you know,meaning someone somewhere doesn't like them =P
+ Second your response.

SCGavin said:
Re di Carladia said:
tjank you man i ll try to do like this.

One other question: can u seat automatical garrison or u must add soldiers manually to your town?

You need to garrison your castles and towns yourself. If you give them to a lord, they will be automatically garrisoned. If you take them back from the lords after some time, you will take over the current garrison, but of course loose relationship with the lord (I don't know, why one needs a good relationship with lords after they are on the players side, anyway...).

Has been covered as well, though.

You need to stay on good foot with the lords since they might desert on you if they are too unhappy with your rule. Happende to me in native, and i cant imagine that the devs took that feature out.
Deer said:
You need to stay on good foot with the lords since they might desert on you if they are too unhappy with your rule. Happende to me in native, and i cant imagine that the devs took that feature out.

Huh? I thought one couldn't recruit lords in native and be an independent ruler? Or is it just impossible to be king? Or do you mean that they desert you in battle (don't join in), but stay in your faction?
I think is so damnit idiot this way to recruit lords...

But i don t know how but one time in other game the garrison was added automatically, with many elitè troops, i must find how i made it...
Re di Carladia said:
I think is so damnit idiot this way to recruit lords...

But i don t know how but one time in other game the garrison was added automatically, with many elitè troops, i must find how i made it...

Do you mean in another mod or in another savegame? If it was in another mod, it will probably not be editable here, as saxondragon changed some codes, so any custom changes that work in native or other mods my break the game with this mod. If it was in another savegame in Prophesy of Pendor, you either gave yourself the fief (town or castle) after a lord garrisoned it or it had a knighthood order (if a fief has a knighthood order, some of the honor or elite troops recruitable in that order, will be added to your garrison from time to time).
SCGavin said:
Deer said:
You need to stay on good foot with the lords since they might desert on you if they are too unhappy with your rule. Happende to me in native, and i cant imagine that the devs took that feature out.

Huh? I thought one couldn't recruit lords in native and be an independent ruler? Or is it just impossible to be king? Or do you mean that they desert you in battle (don't join in), but stay in your faction?

I was fighting as a rebel agaist the Swadian (i joined lady Isola of Suno). The whole "lord recruitment system" comes from that. You have to talk the lords into abandoning their king and join the rightfull ruler. I managed to get almost all of them, but as i tended to keep more than my part of the towns some got pissed and left. I think he joined the Khergit :s
Deer said:
I was fighting as a rebel agaist the Swadian (i joined lady Isola of Suno). The whole "lord recruitment system" comes from that. You have to talk the lords into abandoning their king and join the rightfull ruler. I managed to get almost all of them, but as i tended to keep more than my part of the towns some got pissed and left. I think he joined the Khergit :s

Thank you for the info! Good, that my lords are still favourable to me (I find too many towns/castles are tough to garrison/pay anyway, so they get quite something for joining me - some have two towns, two castles and several villages).

Editing reason: modified quote to show only the text that I refer to.
Re di Carladia said:
u can  change something in pendor' s folder files for change manually your relations with lords?

No you cannot,because your save game is a sole file seperate from the game files itself.And I don't think you can break into its formats.
But you can,in theory,add new methods to improve relations with lords to the game files,but then you'ld need to start a new game.
So thats a no go.

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