recruit defeated troops?

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could a modder make this happen? it would be great if you could get those defeated dark knights in your army

on a side note: who else is highly anticipitating the mega mod by n00854180t ? p.s. I finally figured your name out :smile: you'r a mortal combat fan? :grin:
Temujin said:
could a modder make this happen? it would be great if you could get those defeated dark knights in your army

on a side note: who else is highly anticipitating the mega mod by n00854180t ? p.s. I finally figured your name out :smile: you'r a mortal combat fan? :grin:

As far as I know, it's not currently easy to let you recruit troops that you've defeated. However, the next best thing is available, which is allying with non-good factions (i.e. dark nights, khergits, bandits, pirates etc.).

And yes, I'm an old time MK fan. As well as that, it's never taken on forums or site registrations :smile: I even own the domain.
Would it be possible to hire them? or maybe party hiring? like coming up to a party of Dark Knights and giving them something like 1000 gold for a Kight or Hunter?
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