Recovering scenes.txt

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Knight at Arms
I have a problem with scenes:
1) I have scenes (.sco files);
2) My team lost scenes.txt.
So, I have good scenes in sco-files, and inappropriate scenes.txt. Therefore, some scenes do not look like they should:

So, I want to ask: can I somehow restore the terrain codes (in other words scenes.txt) to make the scenes look normal? If it is possible, how.
kalarhan said:
how can a team lose the same file? That is some history, must involve lots of beer and a trip to Mexico.
Like this:
Was overwritten scenes.txt from June 2017 on Google
My team even turned to Google technical support for rollback, but there was no file ...

kalarhan said:
joke aside: check if you have the modsys instead, so you can generate the file from
Of course, I have modsys. But the corresponds to the wrong scenes.txt.
Janycz said:
Of course, I have modsys. But the corresponds to the wrong scenes.txt.

if you use Win10 (or anyone in the team does) check if you have automatic backup enabled (it keeps the file history).

to prevent this in the future look into source control. I recommend git and (it is free). Oh and of course, do keep backups (even old copies of .zip files on HD if you are low tech).
kalarhan said:
Janycz said:
Of course, I have modsys. But the corresponds to the wrong scenes.txt.

if you use Win10 (or anyone in the team does) check if you have automatic backup enabled (it keeps the file history).

to prevent this in the future look into source control. I recommend git and (it is free). Oh and of course, do keep backups (even old copies of .zip files on HD if you are low tech).
All this is understandable. But I did not develop module at that time. I later returned to the development of mod.
And when I was in the development of the mod, there were always backups.
GitHub is good, but it is free only for public repositories.
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