SP - General Records of Deeds for our Lords

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I propose that we have an easily accessible record of achievements that our lords have accomplished before and during Fief Assignment to help us decide who has done more for our empire recently and has earned a greater reward than others. It would be nice if we could actually choose the lord we want to grant a fief as well.. cause right now it seems a little silly, having to manually trade over fiefs and enduring lord hatred for taking the fief for your self (so you can give it to someone else).

Perhaps a list, with their name, troop count, holdings, clan and a bar that fills up with the more they accomplish (sieges, raids, battles, bandit kills, etc) and slowly starts to deteriorate when they do nothing.

It would be cool if we could grant titles and council positions to lords that actually grant bonuses and increase loyalty too, but eh... that can be discussed in future posts.
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