reconmendations of good games to play

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hey im lookn for good games to play.if u know any games like mount and blade,any zombie type games,rpg games,or fps games plz tell me.
thedudee95 said:
the search feature. ITs the best game ever.
Maybe he just wants our opinions, don't have to be all "OMG DUDE JUST USE THE SEARCH BAR!" kinda dude. Lets see Oblivion is cool if you like fantasy medieval kind of stuff.
If you want a strategy game , i suggest "Kingdom under fire" , "starcraft" , "warcraft 3" , "company of heroes " , "Rome-total war (not medieval , that one sucked),

a  good RPG/single player adventure game , uh "Icewind Dale 2" , "The elder scroll morrwind" ,

if you have a good enough pc you should try "Crisis" , "World in Conflict" ,

and there are a couple others , like "Half life 2" , "half life 1" , if you like sand box games , try "Garrys mod" ,

thedudee95 said:
the search feature. ITs the best game ever.

Was that called for in any way? You shouldnt even reply if your just gonna tell someone to use the search feature , and for you info , i search "recommended games" , and guess how many threads there were for it ? 0. So try again somewhere else please
You should really look at hearts of iron 2. I just got it and it is AMAZING. The most realistic strategy game I have ever played. It is so much fun I can not describe it in words. It is like Europa Universalis in WW2 X10.
That is only if you like strategic strategy games, unlike Total war and 90% of other large scale strategy games.
Yeomann said:
clayton117 said:
"Rome-total war (not medieval , that one sucked)
And you misspelled "Crysis"
Medieval Total War 2 is the best right now. I hate how Empires is slow slow overall.
Medieval 2 with the Third Age Mod (lord of the rings) is AMAZING. Especially with less factions, loading times are way less.

crazyman, could you specify any genres?
Listen. I would wait until the following games come out:

Mass effect 2
CodMW 2
L4D 2
Splinter Cell Conviction

Some games that are out?

Red Faction Guerilla
Sims 3

I can't think of any more right now. I'll let ya know.
AgentSword said:
Listen. I would wait until the following games come out:

Mass effect 2
CodMW 2
L4D 2
Splinter Cell Conviction

Some games that are out?

Red Faction Guerilla
Sims 3

I can't think of any more right now. I'll let ya know.

Just to be fussy, they've dropped the CoD bit now, it's just Modern Warfare 2
Well you can shove your fussiness up yer arsehole, cause EVERYONE should always remember Modern Warfare 2's origins, and that's the good old World War 2 games from Call of Duty!

Seriously though, CoD games always rock, minus CoD 3, that one was completely raped by treyarch
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