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Recently found an artist who do amazing medival covers called "Bardcore" their album released this year "Ye old pop gone Bardcore" is really really good as well as their own music and i think it would be great to use some of their music in the game such as in tavern scenes. I think it would be really nice if taleworlds could collaborate with them to make music for the game or incorporate the band's music into scenes like taverns or even weddings if implemented in the future. As well as Bardcore "Cornelius Link" and "Stantough" are also very good I particularly admire the rendition of "hips don't lie" ?.
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Nahh, they won't add any more music, they would have to produce their own if they want and at this stage of development I doubt they will.
(butt) The idea of having new tracks is nice. Check this out :sneaky:
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Recently found an artist who do amazing medival covers called "Bardcore" their album released this year "Ye old pop gone Bardcore" is really really good as well as their own music and i think it would be great to use some of their music in the game such as in tavern scenes. I think it would be really nice if taleworlds could collaborate with them to make music for the game or incorporate the band's music into scenes like taverns or even weddings if implemented in the future. As well as Bardcore "Cornelius Link" and "Stantough" are also very good I particularly admire the rendition of "hips don't lie" ?.
Pumped Up Kicks, medieval style.
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