Rebel now?

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I was wondering, I took over Bulugha castle and it was mine, but the lord said he would be giving it to someone else, yet compensate me for 900 denars. I thought, 900 denars, or a castle? So I was like wtf can I do with 900 denars, so I decided to revoke my oath and take the castle and now I'm at about -40 with the Nords. Is there ANY way to get back with them or am I ****ed and stay as a rebel now? It's not fun when 3 factions are hostile with you and they're chasing you 24/7.

Secondly, how do I travel faster on the map?

And thirdly, is there anyway to equip my soldiers?
That's the price you pay for renouncing your oath to the king. The only way I think you can reestablish friendly terms would be to join one of the factions you aren't at war with and if they are at war with those factions then restore peace by doing the guild master quest that restores peace I think would restore peace with you personally as well. If they aren't at war with those factions then you would have to get a war started through the quest from one of the lords and then again do the quest that establishes peace to reset their standing towards you.

To your second question here is a link to a thread that answers all the factors in your movement speed:,60633.0.html

To your third question, no there isn't any in-game method of equipping your soldiers other then your companions. But using the troop editor I think you can change their default equipment to something else before starting a game.
Thanks for the reply. I actually fixed the -40, had to pay one of the Nord Lord's about 20k as a tribute and then it got turned back to 0. Been trying to get back on good grounds with them again killing VAegir caravans and such.
ITzSantanA said:
I was wondering, I took over Bulugha castle and it was mine, but the lord said he would be giving it to someone else, yet compensate me for 900 denars. I thought, 900 denars, or a castle? So I was like wtf can I do with 900 denars, so I decided to revoke my oath and take the castle and now I'm at about -40 with the Nords. Is there ANY way to get back with them or am I ****ed and stay as a rebel now? It's not fun when 3 factions are hostile with you and they're chasing you 24/7.

Secondly, how do I travel faster on the map?

And thirdly, is there anyway to equip my soldiers?

I bolded what I thought was funny and just so you know its either 900 denars or a castle and an army trying to crush you.
You can equip only the NPC player characters (heroes) not your troops. There are a couple mods out there that allow for changing the troop tree equipment during play.
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