SP - General Rebalance update needed

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Too much power is put into the hands of the AI, it has control over everything in the game and it make the game very unbalanced.

It controls your income, so if you choose a merchant role to generate wealth. So if you get a tip that thing can be bought cheep or sold high in certain places it knows to buy up all the stuff or sell all it's stuff at those places before you get there. Which is fine if you enjoy playing as a mercenary or as a smith. The biggest issue when it comes to wealth generation us the fact that you loose your ownership of workshops if a city falls. Or if your a mercenary, if the lord who's hired you declares war on the kingdom that owns the city your workshop is in.

The main issue though, with the AI having too much control over in game events, manifests when starting your own kingdom. The Inbalance when it comes to combat while part of a army is a massive screw over on console. The AI will perfectly balance everying in its favor. Giving itself plenty of cavalry, infintry and archers, while putting all it's recruits in reserve. Meanwhile your best troops, especially archers and horse archers, are placed in reserve, even your cavalry get stuck in reserve and you get lumbered with a full squad of infintry with less than 10 arches and cavelry units to support them. So any plans for tactics, go's out the window and your left with 2 options, shield wall and slowly advance towards them, or shield wall and wait for them to advance towards you. Siege battles are even worse, where it chooses to deploy nearly no archers but and lumbers you with mostly infintry, which get picked off because your archers are all stuck in reserves.

Then there's the issue with fifes, and the fact that you as the ruler of your own kingdom, have no control over who gets to claim any territory claimed by your kingdom. Even if your clan only has 1 fife, your often left out of the vote, and the Fife is to be given to one of 3 clans who have more fifes than your clan. There needs to be a system put in place to ensure that the players clan is always an option for claiming a Fife. That way, if we choose to promote our companions, we won't have to wait for the AI's greed to subside before we can promote them. At the end of the day, we are ment to be the rulers if our kingdom, not the AI, so we should always be a perminant option for claiming a Fife.

Then there's the jealous tantrums of the AI declaring war on you because you being at peace for too long, or because you have a thriving economy for your kingdim. A diplomacy system is needed, to streach out the gameplay and allow us to experience the full potential of quests, tournaments, trade, forming relationships, having children and city development. I can understand that adding things like alliances woukd completely go against the nature of the games story (with it being centered around a civil war for control of Calradia). But a deplomacy system that allows us to make cease fire/peace agreements for prolonged periods is needed, because the AI's constant declarations of war push the game forward too fast. So players who wish to wait for their children to grow up, and marry to form marriage alliances for founding their own kingdom, cannot do so due to the AI's aggression.

This game needs a serious rebalancing update to limit the AI's power to rush your game forward and screw you out of victory and/or using and developing your tactics.
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