
Get this. I'm at war with the Vaegirs, the weakest, most pathetic faction. I get jumped by three or four vassals, who I could EASILY defeat. But no. I only get 6 or 7 men who engage in battle. I have a huge amount of morale, and I have over 200 men. In order for me to leave, I have to leave some men behind. I'm used to leaving behind small numbers. But, this game seems to be a bugfest lately, so I get left with 5 men. 5. That's not the worst of these ****ed up glitches, either. King Harlaus is indicting EVERYONE for treason. Me, Harlaus, and 5 vassals. That's ****ing IT! None of the vassals 'disappear from Calradia'. They all go to the most overpowered faction, the Khergit -mother****ing- Khanate. Seriously? These gamebreaking glitched NEED to be fixed, either in a patch, or in Bannerlord. It makes the game an annoyance. I'm just sooooooo pissed off at this game. I'm practically tearing my hair out. I'm done with the game for now. Fire & Sword is broken like this, as well.