Really Stupid Glitch

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Get this. I'm at war with the Vaegirs, the weakest, most pathetic faction. I get jumped by three or four vassals, who I could EASILY defeat. But no. I only get 6 or 7 men who engage in battle. I have a huge amount of morale, and I have over 200 men. In order for me to leave, I have to leave some men behind. I'm used to leaving behind small numbers. But, this game seems to be a bugfest lately, so I get left with 5 men. 5. That's not the worst of these ****ed up glitches, either. King Harlaus is indicting EVERYONE for treason. Me, Harlaus, and 5 vassals. That's ****ing IT! None of the vassals 'disappear from Calradia'. They all go to the most overpowered faction, the Khergit -mother****ing- Khanate. Seriously? These gamebreaking glitched NEED to be fixed, either in a patch, or in Bannerlord. It makes the game an annoyance. I'm just sooooooo pissed off at this game. I'm practically tearing my hair out. I'm done with the game for now. Fire & Sword is broken like this, as well.                                               

You should not start with so low troop, untill they 're really overnumbered you and have a great tactian in their rank.
What's their exact number?

About vassals turn over, Lords tend to go where they can expect have a fief, so... ^^

p.s. Are you under Native or mods?
Not quite sure what you mean by the first part, but the Vaegirs were about 259 strong, put together, and I had 236 men.  I am using Native.
Battle advantage has 2 entries:
- the number difference
- the tactic skill difference

So at equal forces, which is your case, you should have a 50/50 ratio of troop on field without taking Tactic into account.
If you end with a very low force at battle start, this means your opponement must have a very high tactic advantage on you (which is often the case of king's party).

In your case, 236 vs 259, starting with only 5-6 men with a Tactic at lvl 6 (very decent)... I agree, it is very strange, even if they have a damn high Tactic advantage.

Are you sure that your allied troops are really ready to fight and not wounded?
AI tends to add up the NPC lords tactic skills rather than simply using the highest one. I've had 9 tactic skill character end up in a similar situation where I have the same number of total troops as the enemy..but I have no companions with any tactical skill...and end up facing a horde of 120 troops vs like 40 of mine in combat.

Another possibility is the AI reads the 'enemy lord joining battle' tactical skill independently of the total sum of lords/troops.

So if..
Enemy lord 1 has 4 tactical skill
Enemy lord 2 has 2 tactical skill
Enemy lord 3 has 5 tactical skill
Enemy lord 4 has 1 tactical skill
...and you have 10 tactical skill...

the AI could be calculating each lord's troops allowed into battle independently and then pitting the total sum of troops allowed from those calculations against you.... and thats when YOUR troops get calculated so you will end up with less allowed troops than the enemy will have.
This is really strange and seems a Glitch indeed. I've never had it though. Usually if you are not outnumbered more than 4:1 even with the lack of proper tactics skill you spawn enough troops to win the battle if they are of the best quality.
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