Realistic/more-enjoyable weapon distribution

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Is the current distribution of weapons among AI soldiers realistic? I didn't think about it at first but shouldn't the most common weapon for infantry be the spear?

I use the spear and find it very usefull in big fights where at least one side is infantry: it doesn't suffer from crowding like swords and its long reach can be used to attack enemies who are concentrating on someone else.
I get the impression that spearmen were the most common organised foot soldiers historically and I think M&B would be improved if there were more spearmen.

The only problem I see with more spears is movement speeds and trying to keep out of enemy non-spear weapon range causing strange and no fun fights. But that could be fixed with a reduced backwards movement speed.
When exactly has this been suggested before? Anyways, I definetely don't want to have to fight more spearmen than I currently do, they're annoying as some pretty damn annoying things.
Since no one else wants to.. I'll take a.. .. stab... at this one.

When it comes down to it -- M&B's APPROACH to combat isn't realistic. Under the circumstances presented, it is most reasonable to assume soldiers would be more interested in weapons like axes and swords than in spears. Rightly, spears are best used in formation. They are rather terrible personal-combat weapons as it's too easy to get inside their effective reach.

If you plan to be fighting as part of a completely disorganized mob of idiots, as per M&B's approach, you'll want a weapon that doesn't function best when used in a group.

Note: I'm not knocking M&B. Just telling it like it is and trying to put some rationale into the over-appearance of swords.
Damien said:
They are rather terrible personal-combat weapons as it's too easy to get inside their effective reach.

*consciously restrains himself*

Nah, I'm not starting 'that' argument over again..
I posted this after using the dunlending spearmen from last days in a large group. I found them extremely effective against cavalry and better than other weapons when used in a tight mob for reasons mention in my first post. I also use a spear or pike as my primary weapon and find it very useful for evenly matched, tight mob fights where it can be shoved through gaps and past friendly soldiers.
It would add realism, but I generally find spearmen to be a nuisance rather than terribly affective, unless of course your troops are mounted, then they can be deadly. Additionally, spears in the game are very slow at the moment and would likely push the player towards exclusively using swords for melee even more than before. I could see it working to a degree and it would help to limit the effectiveness of cavalry(keep in mind however, that cavalry in The Last Days mod is fairly week, so the effectiveness of the Dunlendings was likely exaggerated). This could perhaps be fun in the form of a mod. If formations could be more complex then I would suggest a Peloponesian War mod, but alas, phalanxes just aren't possible at the moment.
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