Is the current distribution of weapons among AI soldiers realistic? I didn't think about it at first but shouldn't the most common weapon for infantry be the spear?
I use the spear and find it very usefull in big fights where at least one side is infantry: it doesn't suffer from crowding like swords and its long reach can be used to attack enemies who are concentrating on someone else.
I get the impression that spearmen were the most common organised foot soldiers historically and I think M&B would be improved if there were more spearmen.
The only problem I see with more spears is movement speeds and trying to keep out of enemy non-spear weapon range causing strange and no fun fights. But that could be fixed with a reduced backwards movement speed.
I use the spear and find it very usefull in big fights where at least one side is infantry: it doesn't suffer from crowding like swords and its long reach can be used to attack enemies who are concentrating on someone else.
I get the impression that spearmen were the most common organised foot soldiers historically and I think M&B would be improved if there were more spearmen.
The only problem I see with more spears is movement speeds and trying to keep out of enemy non-spear weapon range causing strange and no fun fights. But that could be fixed with a reduced backwards movement speed.