Realistic Guards...

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I have been annoyed when I go into a castle/town and when you attack the guards they don't get affected by hits, it would be nice if you harm a guard or person and the guards will come down onto to you and lock you up, or teach you a painful lesson :wink:; or you kill/knock them out or run out of town, or into a building......I think it's a great idea :grin: :grin: :grin:
Sounds ok, to add on to this, when entering a town maybe you could have the option of choosing some troops or companions to go with you. Someone as important as you needs bodyguards after all.
Yes, I would love these things, a more interactive town in general would be my ideal in this area of the game, but guards should be for more than just standing around looking scary.  Have them go on patrols around town, stop crime, get drunk off there asses in the tavern when the day is done.  My preference is on the last one with the tavern.
angincourt said:
I have been annoyed when I go into a castle/town and when you attack the guards they don't get affected by hits, it would be nice if you harm a guard or person and the guards will come down onto to you and lock you up, or teach you a painful lesson :wink:; or you kill/knock them out or run out of town, or into a building......I think it's a great idea :grin: :grin: :grin:

Yes, that isn't a bad idea. Although, why would a person go into a town and start attacking its' guards? You'd have the garrison after you in minutes, surely. Reality is not Assassin's Creed.

However, if you haven't yet come upon this new quest in Warband, there is something similar that can happen in which you will indeed fight a town's guards, and I'm not speaking about the 'sneak into an enemy town' alert phase. I was happy with the addition of this new quest. And still, it's more of a fighting retreat. Attacking a guard would seem foolish unless you plan to bring an army to besiege the place.

Edit: Well, on the topic of guards... if I attacked and killed one, I'd love to see the streets filled with the town guard, shield to shield and blocking all paths, scripted to defend the entrance to the castle, and archers lining the walls. That's realism for ya.
Childe_Rolande said:
Edit: Well, on the topic of guards... if I attacked and killed one, I'd love to see the streets filled with the town guard, shield to shield and blocking all paths, scripted to defend the entrance to the castle, and archers lining the walls. That's realism for ya.
Uu yeah, I'd like to die(in game ofc) just to see it :razz:
KuroiNekouPL said:
Childe_Rolande said:
Edit: Well, on the topic of guards... if I attacked and killed one, I'd love to see the streets filled with the town guard, shield to shield and blocking all paths, scripted to defend the entrance to the castle, and archers lining the walls. That's realism for ya.
Uu yeah, I'd like to die(in game ofc) just to see it :razz:

So would I, actually. Is that weird?  :lol:
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