Realistic Combat! Need help! Q/A Thanks!

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I'm looking for a insanely realistic mod.

Like I mean, hellish to start out with. Before you ask, No I am not a masochist but I do enjoy realism in my video games. I heard of a mod Realistic Combat Model by Ron Losey is this module still in effect? Is it still up to date? I also used the search button but mostly came up with hits Combat. It can be any module with real combat.

I tried the Realistic Combat Mod by Rob and it didn't work. I think he was using the old itemkinds1.txt and module.ini file so it isn't compatible with 1.011. Your best bet is to try the Brutality Mod. It even has permanent death.
I am satisfied with realism of combat as it is just now in game and mods. I don't need something what are you trying for and announce here because I prefer  to entertain and not to grit my teeth, rage and be disgusted in the end by such playing.  :sad: 
Expanded Gameplay has more realism in some areas, less in others, but it's amazing either way and just got ported to 1.011.

Brutality is also fairly realistic.
Dudro said:
Well, Rad, it's a matter of opinion.
I second that opinion!

IMHO, I don't see how any more realistic this can get if you play with max difficulty: no damage reduction whatsoever, fastest game speed.
Try riding with your Swadian Knights into a line of Nord javelin-chuckers, let's see how many you can take to your face... I only took one... brutal.

This game needs more blood, ala TEARTC minus the Matrix-ish blood.
There are several mods that aim to enhance combat realism, as has been pointed out by the posters before me, but I think the Realistic Combat Model by Ron Losey is indeed one of the best. Ron Losey is an expert on weapons and armor, and he did many real life experiments with them too. The RCM is a rather simple mod that changes mainly item properties. The most important differences from Native are (based on my experience with earlier M&B versions):
- Headshot someone without a helmet and he is dead. The effectiveness of ranged weapons has been increased, so that unarmored people can not get away with several arrows sticking out of them. The damage of weapons in general is also increased, making lightly armored troops more vulnerable.
- The effectiveness of heavy armor has also been increased. Mail/scale/plate armor now offers much better protection
- Horses run faster.

The RCM was originally developed for the mod Onin no Ran, (a japanese mod which is currently available for M&B 0.903 (being ported)) and a adapted version has been made for several mods and for native.
The latest RCM for native 1.011 can be downloaded here:

warning: RCM for native only enhances combat realism, and is not intended as a stand-alone mod. Prices and faction strength may become imbalanced.

EDIT: Ron Losey is mostly active on the MBX forum ( and (in my experience) always prepared to answer questions.
Wraithwain said:
Dudro said:
Well, Rad, it's a matter of opinion.
I second that opinion!

IMHO, I don't see how any more realistic this can get if you play with max difficulty: no damage reduction whatsoever, fastest game speed.
Try riding with your Swadian Knights into a line of Nord javelin-chuckers, let's see how many you can take to your face... I only took one... brutal.

This game needs more blood, ala TEARTC minus the Matrix-ish blood.
blood splatters on buildings, floors, trees what ever. if a human stood against a wall and he would get a nice brutal slash with an axe there should be some splatter.

not really to increase the gore of this game but after a long battle your character shines brightly red and that makes it very unrealistic.
Try Expanded Gameplay and The Eagle & The Radiant Cross.

Expanded Gameplay: very, very dangerous opponents. To give you a rough idea, there are troops running around with 200 str who mow down half a battalion before you can even react. To be fair, everything is scaled up - depending on your character configuration, you might have similar strength, etc. What this does is ramp up the difficulty of everything in the game, insofar that fighting a group of looters is dangerous - as one man taking on five should be, if you choose to engage them in hand-to-hand. Combat's basically a lot more realistic because of the ridiculous attributes of the troops - and therefore a lot more fun.

I like to play with manual mouse blocking, no horse, no shield, full damage, fast combat speed and battlesize 200 in first-person view. I'd never run into trouble with any mod until I stopped a party of LOOTERS in this mod who defeated me pretty much as soon as I reached them. It keeps you on your wits and is extremely visceral - I've added music from another mod (I believe Eagle or Lords and Realms, whichever had all the celtic Riverdance, Feet of Flames stuff) and More Metal, so it's all very energetic. This mod's 100% designed for those who like fast, frenetic combat though - there are many times you might get frustrated when you get cut down by the most unseemly of foes, but stick it out and you'll enjoy the rush more than any other mod. Seeing a block of Nords sticking together to ram into your scattered troops while unleashing battlecries to heal themselves is pretty damn enjoyanle.

Eagle: probably the most detailed troop design of all the major mods. There are very clearly defined factions and very well-thought out troops belonging to those factions, which leads to really good opportunities for strategy and tactics. For an idea of variety, you can have a line of pikeman standing in front of doppelsoldners, standing in front of archers standing in front of long-range gunmen flanked by cavalry. You could be standing nearby with your unique spear and a group of unique faction troops all clad in resplendent steel wielding broadswords. The combat in this mod is realistic and enjoyable because of the variety of ways everybody is able to kill you.

You're not going to get your ass handed to you in a one-on-one fight with any of the troops (unlike EG), but everybody's a lot tougher than your standard full-plate goon from any other mod. The brigade of the radiant cross are also pretty badass - riding in with/against them is something epic. I play this mod when I'm looking for more war-type fun - vanquishing the enemy in a big group with superior tactics or overwhelming power - as opposed to EG, where you do fight very large battles but are generally only focusing on your character's immediate zone and surviving.

tl;dr - Expanded Gameplay for brutal combat, Eagle & Radiant Cross for excellent large-scale 'war' flavour.

Don't listen to weak combatants who need to don full coat of plates atop a steel horse to brave a skirmish with river pirates.
I have added the RCM to my own mod and it feels much better than native, where those damn swords were overpowered. Now crossbows, maces and axes are the kings of the battlefield and weak archers will only scratch your heavy plate armour.
try the "barren lands" mod. i played many different mods including the brutality mod but this one is the most realistic for me. the weapons do more damage and you really feel the danger during the combat. you can also get hurt if you get knocked out. this wil cause a temporaly skill/attribute loss. if you break your leg you will get a penalty on running, riding and agility for 20 to 30 days.

when i started the mod i attacked a group of sea raiders, i was using the beginner shield against a raider with a two handed axe, the first strike crushed my old shield and the second crushed my head.

btw. there are no firearms in the mod.

here is the link:,59651.0.html
killer-blead said:
blood splatters on buildings, floors, trees what ever. if a human stood against a wall and he would get a nice brutal slash with an axe there should be some splatter.

not really to increase the gore of this game but after a long battle your character shines brightly red and that makes it very unrealistic.
Hmmm.. I guess.

Maybe it would drip? Imagine a battlefield where 80% of the people are bleeding on the ground. hehehe!

Also, Expanded Gameplay is more designed for the hardcore and not for the faint of heart (ie. not afraid of dying a lot). Not exactly realistic in terms of fighting, but it's fast, brutal and deadly. You might like it.
do it yourself. just get either the troop editor and make them really weak and yourself or the item editor and make the weapons super strong
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