Realism mod

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I want to learn how to mod so i might as well do something like this.

just thinking on the spot the main things that could be changed:

1. Horses must be faster and have a ?better charge?
2. Everyones proficiencies should be higher(ie 90+).
3. Athletics should be really high(or make the base speed faster).
4. flat or slightly hilly battle grounds, no more stuck units on mountain side in the middle of lush grassy plains(this would be nice if not possible right now).
5. Quicker spears.
6. very powerful and accurate ranged troops :lol:

Bring on the ideas!
TheMany said:
4. flat or slightly hilly battle grounds, no more stuck units on mountain side in the middle of lush grassy plains(this would be nice if not possible right now).

Number four is more of a bug fix that the game has needed for a LONG time.

As for the rest, I'm not clear on how these would make the game more realistic or even more fun.

Remember: Simulate reality, don't bludgeon us with it!
Proficiency higher? noway, the swords slice through the opponents already at 40 proficiency, id say high powerstrike but low proficiency, its one thing that bothers me in M&B is that the swords you swing always slice through the opponent, every damn weapon should stop at the opponent if it doesnt dismember him. Just wanted to get this off my heart :razz:
TheMany said:
6. very powerful and accurate ranged troops :lol:

Legolas wasn't real :razz:. Ranged weapons couldn't stop an infantry or cavalry charge untill well into the 19th century.
I got another one:

Adding new animations that look more natural, and aren't that stiff etc.
make ranged proficiencies quitew low, but make arrows a *lot* more lethal- bows werent used against individual soldiers, but missiles were fired in the vague direction of formations.
oh and have much more light cavalry, and make units like knights harder to get.

EDIT: soz for double post, i though i pressed edit :sad:
Harlequin_ said:
oh and have much more light cavalry, and make units like knights harder to get.

I can agree to that but only if you have to fight fewer Knights too.
With the ranged troops, I think arrows should probably do more damage (wouldn't take three in the torso to make you stop fighting) but there would need to be a altered accuracy system (maybe the current reticle which wobbled horizontally and vertically?).
Right now I think its too easy to get hits from long range even with not much skill and bows quickly become REALLY good.
I'm talking about realism not gameplay but with good realism balancing wouldn't be a problem.
TheMany said:
4. flat or slightly hilly battle grounds, no more stuck units on mountain side in the middle of lush grassy plains(this would be nice if not possible right now).
Dynamite_cow said:
Everything exept 4 can be easily done in the editor.
Maybe you might find some useful informations here:

TheMany said:
6. very powerful and accurate ranged troops :lol:
you kiddin, right?
TheMany said:
5. Quicker spears.

God, yes! And that actually do some damage, even if the opponent is very, very close. I'm sick of these 6 pointer thrusts, and the inexplicable negative speed bonuses. Besides, you are supposed to have an advantage with the spear when faced with, say, swordsmen. I just don't feel it when I'm wielding a spear myself.
Besides, you are supposed to have an advantage with the spear when faced with, say, swordsmen.

Actually, the only reason that would be true is because spears would have a longer reach than swords.

Theres no doubt you could make a mod that would give you faster more powerful spears, but that would only make them better, not more realistic. If you do that, you might as well just nerf every other weapon in the game because that is more or less what you would be doing anyway.

What actually needs to happen to fix spears is that the mechanics of how spears are used in battle needs to be changed. Right now a spear works like a staff which is why spears aren't very good, its just a long pointy staff if you treat it like a staff. Spears need to work like spears. I.E. blocking with them should be hard, but you can hold it out in front of you and deliver a good hard POKE to anyone who comes within range, which should keep them at a distance. This way you could actually use the longer reach of the spear to give you an advantage over, oh lets say, swordsmen. But only if you use it properly and are careful to keep the enemy at a distance.

This would also put in a good incentive to add troop formations to the game, so a line of spearmen could work as a team to keep the enemy at bay.

I doubt this can be done with a mod. Atleast not yet.
Raltar said:
Besides, you are supposed to have an advantage with the spear when faced with, say, swordsmen.

Actually, the only reason that would be true is because spears would have a longer reach than swords.
Of course. But advantage of reach is a major advantage.

Theres no doubt you could make a mod that would give you faster more powerful spears, but that would only make them better, not more realistic. If you do that, you might as well just nerf every other weapon in the game because that is more or less what you would be doing anyway.
The spears in the game are horribly slow. Spears are faster than swords, in part because the length provides more velocity to the tip when slashing (small arm movements cause big weapon movements), and in part because the stab is quicker than the slash. The shortest distance between two points is in a straight line, and that's also the hardest attack to see coming.

What actually needs to happen to fix spears is that the mechanics of how spears are used in battle needs to be changed. Right now a spear works like a staff which is why spears aren't very good, its just a long pointy staff if you treat it like a staff. Spears need to work like spears. I.E. blocking with them should be hard, but you can hold it out in front of you and deliver a good hard POKE to anyone who comes within range, which should keep them at a distance. This way you could actually use the longer reach of the spear to give you an advantage over, oh lets say, swordsmen. But only if you use it properly and are careful to keep the enemy at a distance.
Blocking with spears is not hard. First of all, as long as you have the advantage of range, there's not that much of a need to block. Second, when too close to use the spear comfortably, you use it like a staff. Why wouldn't you?

This would also put in a good incentive to add troop formations to the game, so a line of spearmen could work as a team to keep the enemy at bay.

I doubt this can be done with a mod. Atleast not yet.
Troop formations would indeed be cool, but anyone who has fought with sword against spear can testify to how frustrating it is. So even out of formation, the spear is more than a match.
Theres no doubt you could make a mod that would give you faster more powerful spears, but that would only make them better, not more realistic. If you do that, you might as well just nerf every other weapon in the game because that is more or less what you would be doing anyway. And keep in mind most spears in the game are already one handed so you can use them with a shields at the same time. Combine that with the long reach of the spear and the fact that you just made it faster and you now have the most unblalnced weapon in the game. Remember:

Simulate reality, don't bludgeon us with it!

Sure, you COULD use a spear like a staff and block with it when the enemy gets too close. But the game doesn't treat spears this way. If you were using a spear like a staff, you would be hitting people with the blunt parts. Thats okay but its not what happens in the game. The game thinks you ALWAYS stab people with the spear but at the same time thinks you can always block with it like a staff. This is what needs to be changed. The game should treat a spear like a spear so that you can use it to keep people at range.

And don't worry about blocking, because a spear is one handed in this game, chances are you have a shield so you not only don't need to use a spear like a staff, you won't be able to.
Raltar said:
Harlequin_ said:
oh and have much more light cavalry, and make units like knights harder to get.

I can agree to that but only if you have to fight fewer Knights too.

Good call on both accounts. If realism is the goal then the ratio of knights to cheaply armed foot soldiers is way out of whack.
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