read if u want the the wild west mod!

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Sergeant Knight
yo, paradox is makin a great mod for the wild west, and it's very well done. he just needs help because he doesn't have the capability to use new body meshes and animations in-game. right now he has the rifle using the crossbow animation, but it's a poor match at best. And pistols are basically unusable. so for for the sake of everyone who wants this mod (which is amazing btw. check it out), if anyone knows how to do this, post in here and clear this problem up.
As far as I know, only Lurb (and possibly n00:cool: knows enough about the BRF files to accomplish this, other than Armagan. And Lurb is actually working on this feature for his model viewer now, so no need for a request.
So, this post isn't going to serve you much purpose. :razz:
As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, this really isn't necessary. I'm aware of the developement concerning body meshes and everything to get them functional is already being worked on.

I would like to add that anyone who is working on the body mesh issue, please take your time. As soon as they're available, I fear I will be swamped with demands to work harder :wink:
Oh be quiet and get back in your closet. I don't care if it is cramped in there, go!

And you better not be playing video games again ... you work on the mod and when it is complete ... then you can play minefield. Maybe. :twisted:

In all seriousness ... looking forward to your mod, [P]aradox.

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