Re-textured armor

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I like it. Could you turn down the shinyness? The cloth shouldn't be reflective.

::edit:: Hmm, your screenshot doesn't show it. Could that be because I just copied and pasted it into my custom

::edit again:: I guess it is :oops:
hmm... strange it shouldnt be like that.... i gave it to Lost-Lamb and he fixed the shinyness, after that i uploaded that .dds, but i have no idea why it shines... :?:

you mean the original one is totally refelective while mine is ok?

well you wouldnt want to change mine anyways right :razz:
Heehee, I'm not being clear I guess. I copied your texture work and pasted it into Lost-Lambs new textures.

So, Lost-Lambs heraldic looks normal, yours looks normal (if I use your .dds file) but If I copy from yours, and paste into his, then the armor is all shiney. Weird.
oh wait i think i get it now... you just replaced the armor in my dds file with his armor in his dds file? it has something to do with alpha layers im sorry, but if you wanna use my armor then you have to do it alone, and if you wanna use his armors you cant use mine sorry..

but dont loose hope, soon ill be distributing a whole texture conversion of all armors helmets etc.... and i can tell you one thing, rust blood and mud.

i think you get the picture.... especially the heraldric armor i made its ripped up haha.... im soon finished
I'm gonna leave this here.
I just thought it would be funny to necro a 4 years old tread.
Sorry if you didn't like it mods, my perception of what is funny is a little bit distorted
Ambalon said:
I'm gonna leave this here.
I just thought it would be funny to necro a 4 years old tread.
Sorry if you didn't like it mods, my perception of what is funny is a little bit distorted

You're not unique, you're just an idiot.
Ambalon said:
I'm gonna leave this here.
I just thought it would be funny to necro a 4 years old tread.
Sorry if you didn't like it mods, my perception of what is funny is a little bit distorted


Wait... I don't get it...

Goromous said:
Ambalon said:
I'm gonna leave this here.
I just thought it would be funny to necro a 4 years old tread.
Sorry if you didn't like it mods, my perception of what is funny is a little bit distorted


Wait... I don't get it...


My point is that if someone did this (für zie lulz) I'd laugh, so I think that by making this I might make other people's day a bit funnier  :razz:
though I'm afraid that the moderators might not agree with me...
Ambalon said:
Goromous said:
Ambalon said:
I'm gonna leave this here.
I just thought it would be funny to necro a 4 years old tread.
Sorry if you didn't like it mods, my perception of what is funny is a little bit distorted


Wait... I don't get it...


My point is that if someone did this (für zie lulz) I'd laugh, so I think that by making this I might make other people's day a bit funnier  :razz:
though I'm afraid that the moderators might not agree with me...

I was just kidding... :p
Allright lads. Let's kill this topic and re-born it from the dead in four years. And if you wonder. It made my day :grin:
Ambalon said:
though I'm afraid that the moderators might not agree with me...
You got this part right. You are lucky that I got here first. Consider this your final warning.
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