[RdH] Hispania - Clan Español

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Somos un clan creado por un grupo de amigos con sus miles de horas en warband, que hemos tocado todo tipo de mods y sobre todo viciado a este juego, de los pocos que aguantamos activos aparentemente.

Hace un par de meses abrieron servidores privados y se empezaron a hacer eventos de clanes en Bannerlord (como en el DLC Napoleonic Wars del warband original) y se fundó este clan para empezar a asistir a estos eventos, y ahora que los hosts son constantes con los eventos y vemos que la gran parte de la comunidad española no es consciente de estos eventos, os invitamos a venir y probar con nosotros.

Son eventos como los batallas en la que liderais a la IA, pero vosotros sois la IA (pero luchando mejor, espero :xf-cool: ) y el oficial al cargo el comandante. De media siempre somos entre 10 y 15, pero en cuantos más mejor.

Si os interesa solo tenéis que agregar a alguno de los oficiales y él os dará el resto de la información.

Hispano: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144757937/-

Antonio: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198173188098/-

Basajaun: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Basajauner/

También si os interesa el competitivo de este juego, tenemos un equipo creado hace poco.
Un saludo
Heya, since this is English section of the forum could you please add English translation of your post (even if it is put in spoiler).

On top of that best of luck, hope to see you guys on servers.
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I'll translate roughly, no connection to the lads:

We are a clan created by a group of friends who've played Warband thousands of hours, we played all kind of mods, and we got mostly hooked to this game, being among the few that are still up apparently.

Few months ago devs gave the option to run private custom servers and clan events started to happen (just as what happened with Napoleonic Wars DLC back in the day), so this clan was founded, to start to attend this events. Now that the hosting is constant with the events, and noticing that a huge part of the spanish community isn't aware of it, we invite you to come and have a check with us.

In these events you lead a bunch of AI as the officer in command of it. We are usually around 10-15 people playing it, but the more we get to be the better.

If you're interested in joining just add any of the following officers on Steam, they will give you further information.

links go here

Also, if you're interested in the competitive side of the game, we just recently made a team for it too.
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