RCC Metalhead promoting metagaming and abusing admin

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I was on the server this morning when I oversaw a conversation between Metalhead and a guy called Shepherd. Metalhead was telling everyone to kick all brigands out of the city. When Shepherd told him that was metagaming and against RP, Metalhead said it was only metagaming if they killed the bandits. Shepherd then questioned his admin credentials, and to prove them, Metalhead kicked him from the game. This is not to mention all the people Metalhead kicks because they killed him. This kind of behavior is absolutely atrocious, especially coming from an administrator. I'm not asking for much disciplinary action beyond a slap on the wrist, but someone please do something about this.
412thCadianGuardsman said:
I wouldn't call RCC server a roleplay server.

Agreed, and i also want to express my support for the first post. Reporting randomers that were his friends even resulted in a kick, so does speaking up about the abuse of MetalHead.
412thCadianGuardsman said:
I wouldn't call RCC server a roleplay server.
Yes, because making a general statement as such in a thread about a single admin really follows logically. /sarcasm

If you have a problem with an admin, take it up with the head of RCC. I don't remember exactly who it is, but N0body would be a good person to start with. Let's not let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
As far as I know even worst kind of ******* has every right to be an ******* on his own server. His server, his rules. If he's behaving like an ass then people will simply avoid his server. It's not like as you have to play on that server.
Viper the Tiger said:
I was on the server this morning when I oversaw a conversation between Metalhead and a guy called Shepherd. Metalhead was telling everyone to kick all brigands out of the city. When Shepherd told him that was metagaming and against RP, Metalhead said it was only metagaming if they killed the bandits. Shepherd then questioned his admin credentials, and to prove them, Metalhead kicked him from the game. This is not to mention all the people Metalhead kicks because they killed him. This kind of behavior is absolutely atrocious, especially coming from an administrator. I'm not asking for much disciplinary action beyond a slap on the wrist, but someone please do something about this.
This my friend is a load of **** - i dont just kick people because they killed me, sheperd also started argueing with me (kickable offence) and more to the fact i was TW so Kicking bandits out of city is allowed, metagaming is also using info said in global chat to home in on somone - and from what i know i am one of the popular admins, And advice to you if you dont know what is REALLY going on dont get involved - and if ure gonna say that i abuse admin and ban ppl i have only ever banned one person for swearing at me after i kicked them twice for other offences
I support Metalhead on this one. I've seen him warn other RCC members for even the suspicion of wrongdoing. I'd say that's a pretty fair admin right there. Plus, I'm just tired of all this whining. How about, next time you have a problem, you take it up with another admin instead of coming here and trying to deface the entirety of the RCC and their server?
Two week necro, nice!



Arguments about RP servers should seriously happen on another forum (like the forum for the RP server itself, or the clan that runs it). The last thing this forum needs is "zomg u were metagaming" and "zomg no u were cuz u bannid meeeee." I've seen some terribly petty arguments on RP boards before, and it's sad.  :neutral:
metalhead is an great admin and roleplayer i play with him alot and i know him. he didnt even abused admin plant he used it for a bank so people dont have to make money all over again.
serious thank him instead of whining him off
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