Raz's custom models

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nearly All of these models will be included in the Hundred Years War mod V3.0, and later patches

Ok I just modelled a kinda low poly-count pig bascinet in an hour or so



Any skinners willing to finish the job? If anybody's interested I can host the file somewhere.
edit: http://rapidshare.de/files/8231854/pigface.ms3d.html
and post your self-made armour here :grin:


l8er, raz
Awesome, I was waiting for someone to make one of these helmets in M&B. I tried myself but it didn't turn out that well.

The only thing I'm having a problem with is that the bottom of the bascinet part has a wierd bump in it, and the hinge thing for the visor goes back really far and is triangular. Here's a cool concept of one from studio88:


Anyway, good work!
Thanks for the replies :smile: , by the way, that bump is part of the helmet.
By the way cool pic, I'll try if I can model some of that french armour with the clothing on it and'all, but the helmets are pretty useless, since I need a straight front and side view, sorry..

Thanks lostlamb I'll put up the file in a sec

edit: Noobsaibot wanna have it in hugemod :razz: ?

Here goes:

edit: Look below for cleaned out model.

And explain what a morion and a sallet is please?
And for texturing:



Ok I searched, stupid me. Damn that morion is ugly, but I'm working on a sallet now.
Indeed! and the jousting tournaments helmets for the french knights, you know, like this http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/7776/parchemin2copie5gr.jpg

do you know what the knight's helmet's name is? or do you have some more pics of it.
By the way, I'd love to work for your mod, hope it turns out realistically, with banners and all, and clothing over the armour and horses.

edit: Ok I cleaned the model out, and put joints in it and it can open now:


Maybe someone can animate it so the character instead of standing with his arms crossed openes his visor.

And I rescaled the 'rotating point' and made it smaller:


and the new file:

and gandalf, maybe you know how to texture it?

It's a bascinet, that's the only pic I have for the King's helmet. I have many other drawings though.
I also like the bascinet on my sig, with a silver texture it could also fit to knights.

Sure you can make models for the mod, you're more than welcome. I just suck at texturing, so we might need somebody else.
forsport said:
how can you make this model ~
which importer do you use?
and where can i get the importer?

I'm using milkshape 3d for it, but don't know how to import it, sorry.

Please give it a try gandalf the grey :grin: , I just put up the file @ rapidshare.
So that means I'm included in your project :smile:
hmm since no-one textured the damn thing, I gave it a shot myself. A lil bit sloppy, but here goes:




That's fine for me, now only to import it :roll:

Someone please explain how to convert it into brf!!
Lol yes, I was kidding :razz:
But anyways, can you import it into the game? It currently is in ms3d format and needs to be converted to brf. Then it's all yours and you're free to edit the texture and model.

edit: The textured version

what did you make it in? can you output it to OBJ? Also for the texture, I'm not sure you can add new textures(I could be wrong) Can you use an existing texture and remap it? (try costums1-5.DDS)
He made it in MilkShape. MilkShape can export to OBJ. I was about to get it in M&B, but I first need to get the unofficial editor for that and to get the editor working I need to get NET 2.0 and to get that installed I need the Windows Installer 3.0. >_<
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