Ranged weapons

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I think a list of firearms, bows, cross bows and other ranged weapons would be rather handy handy plus a description. Please :grin:
Elephant gun beats Musket in terms of accuracy and penetration, repeater's like a caliver that fires several shots, redeemer is a boosted repeater. Hand Cannon? 'nuff said. Most pistols are the same really, except for the double-shot Haelmarian one and the revolver.
Really, all the special guns are painfully obvious: Handcannon as V said. Double Barrel fires two shots at the cost of...oh, at the cost of hardly anything, it's just OP. Repeater has four shots at the cost of everything. EG is a sniper rifle, so perfect except for being Slooow. Redeemer as V said, is a repeater of 7 shots (and thusly properly weaksauce and slow). And the MSP as a Pistol is just perfect without disadvantages.

Personally, I really feel the guns of TEATRC need to have more distinct profiles. As is, it's just to easy to classify them linearly from crap to godly.
I agree with that. The musket should definitely be slower than the arquebuse to make up for its strength. Right now, there is no reason not to use it.
Well all guns are massed produced by some nation somewhere, so ideally the only way to get that weapon is to be given it via enlistment or to go kill some deserters.  :???:
If only M&B/Warband supported fighting as a regular soldier...that'd make "enlistment" a meaningful term; and it'd take the dreadful management out of the hands of players like me who just want to go chop some head  :razz:

Edit: Should I perhaps open yet another topic on how to re-balance guns?  :smile:
how about an option to keep fighting "last man standing" style, right now we can pick up our commander in the beginning of the battle, what if we could change who we control during the fight or more specifically when we die...
which make sense, every group has chain of command so when you die you take control of the next commanding officer inline and eventually maybe even play as the common soldier  :razz:
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