Ranged Combat - Longbow, Crossbow, or Thrown?

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Although I rejoice in the melee combat in M&B, I have found that I am not really capable of taking out hordes with nearly the same efficiency hand-to-hand as I am with ranged weapons.

My invitation to you more seasoned players is to share your opinions regarding ranged combat: Which of the three archetypes should a ranged combatant specialize in?

From the amount I have played, it seems to me that the situation with ranged weapons is this:

If you are melee-oriented and do not want to have to spend any skill points on your ranged combat, use a crossbow, since it is unaffected by power draw and quite good without much specialization required.

If you are melee-oriented and want as many weapon slots free as possible (say you want a lance, shield, and close quarter weapon at all times) then choose thrown weapons, which require a small investment of skill to be useful and take up only one inventory slot, not to mention dealing very nice damage with excellent accuracy and rate of fire, though with atrocious effective range.

If you want to focus primarily on ranged combat, use a bow, since it has a much better rate of fire than the crossbow, and much greater effective range than thrown weapons(since it goes further but also since the projectiles travel faster), although it requires an investment of skill points (in Power Draw) to get the damage up to acceptable levels for taking on armoured opponents.

My character is a merchant who prefers to kill as many enemies as possible by himself in order to protect the lives of his troops. Ranged attacks have seemed like the best route for this.

Unfortunately, I initially chose to invest in Power Throw, because thrown weapons are so cool, but I have found the slow travel speed of axes and daggers makes taking out mounted troops at a distance near-impossible.

Is Archery with a bow the best choice for this battle philosophy?

Share your own impressions.

Also - Power Draw doesn't affect Crossbows, right? And what's this I hear about being able to reload a crossbow while mounted?
From what I've read in this forum Power Draw doesn't affect crossbow damage, and you can reload the LIGHT and HUNTING crossbows while mounted on a horse.

Power Throw is ALOT of fun, I feel very pleased when I stick a javelin or a throwing axe right in the middle of the forehead of my attacker, it's a nice feeling, but if you miss, well, then be prepared to feel pain instead.

The safest weapon is definitely the bow, but you'll need those points in Power Draw, Crossbows could be dangerous because of the long reload time, if you don't pay attention to the enemies you could get overwhelmed.
Crossbow is good when your not mounted, otherwise stick with Bows when you get high power draw and mounted, overall, I stick with Bows :shrug: And if you wanna go 3 weapons go Thrown...
I prefer the bow, because is faster, I feel that have more reach, and can be used mounted. But I prefer the bolts bag, is smaller.

I read that in v0.703 you can reload some crossbow mounted... Do you know if that is true?
Ranged is the only imbalance in the game with a horsearcher being able to take out a war party ALONE. Bows are definatly the best with plenty of ammo a decent range and fire rate - reasonable damage at higher levels.
Bows are the way to go for a range focus character. Otherwise, you're meat, because since you suck at melee, you won't be able to kill that knight coming at you while you're reloading your crossbow/waiting for him to get in throw weapon range.

I used to do this: make a mounted knight, and if you get a spare crossbow or have enough free time to earn one, equip it, assuming you mainly use only one set of melee weapons. Then, when you ride in to battle, just ride up, aim your crossbow, and blow the Vaegir's goddamn brains out. I just own at aiming, so I don't know about you sorry-asses. If you get dismounted, just back away and start firing off of a hill, if you're outnumbered. If you want more bang for your buck, use something above a light crossbow, but you'll only get one shot in the charge. Make it count.

Throwing weapons suck, period. Just, no... don't talk to me about those. We need just a TAD more range on throwing weapons...
Actually they're good if you're making a priest. Throwing rocks > river pirates... heheheh...
Never underestimate a good stone to the face. But don't focus them. EVER.
Flaming Eyes said:
I read that in v0.703 you can reload some crossbow mounted... Do you know if that is true?

Tested true with hunting crossbow - which is historicaly accurate as the lighter crossbow models where effectively reloadable on horseback - don't try this with the heavies though.
True that the easiest way of playing as a ranged character is to use a bow. But you need at least 150+ bow proficiency, 4-5 power draw, 4-5 horse archery and a good bow (i.e war bow) if you want to solo a dark hunter party. In 0.703, you can use your 4 slots as (war bow + 2 bags of arrows + shield). You won't need a secondary weapon.

If you want to play melee oriented, I find 2H weapons most effective. I advice thrown weapons as the secondary specialization. My combination is (SOW + throwing daggers + jarids + shield).

I don't know if anyone is using thrown weapons as primary weapon. I will try it sometime.
Crazy Eyes said:
I used to do this: make a mounted knight, and if you get a spare crossbow or have enough free time to earn one, equip it, assuming you mainly use only one set of melee weapons. Then, when you ride in to battle, just ride up, aim your crossbow, and blow the Vaegir's goddamn brains out. I just own at aiming, so I don't know about you sorry-asses. If you get dismounted, just back away and start firing off of a hill, if you're outnumbered.


Throwing weapons suck, period. Just, no... don't talk to me about those. We need just a TAD more range on throwing weapons...
don't focus them. EVER.
(Emphasis Added)

I seriously hope you were just being playful when you said that part in bold. Why is it that everyone seems to think that they are t3h l33t marksmen in this game because they can get a few headshots against river pirates or something from across the map? Newsflash: Everyone can get ranged headshots from a mile away, especially with crossbows.

I'm reminded of that guy in the screenshot thread who posted about his amazing accuracy, only to be handsomely repudiated by oKiN.

If you were just kidding, please disregard the above.
Crazy Eyes said:
Bows are the way to go for a range focus character. Otherwise, you're meat, because since you suck at melee, you won't be able to kill that knight coming at you while you're reloading your crossbow/waiting for him to get in throw weapon range.

I used to do this: make a mounted knight, and if you get a spare crossbow or have enough free time to earn one, equip it, assuming you mainly use only one set of melee weapons. Then, when you ride in to battle, just ride up, aim your crossbow, and blow the Vaegir's goddamn brains out. I just own at aiming, so I don't know about you sorry-asses. If you get dismounted, just back away and start firing off of a hill, if you're outnumbered. If you want more bang for your buck, use something above a light crossbow, but you'll only get one shot in the charge. Make it count.

Throwing weapons suck, period. Just, no... don't talk to me about those. We need just a TAD more range on throwing weapons...
Actually they're good if you're making a priest. Throwing rocks > river pirates... heheheh...
Never underestimate a good stone to the face. But don't focus them. EVER.

Throwing weapons suck hey? When you get an axe in your face, you'll think otherwise. I prefer bows myself, but you cannot discount throwing weapons, especially when a melee focused knight doesn't want to waste to many skill points.
Throwing weapons suck, period. Just, no... don't talk to me about those. We need just a TAD more range on throwing weapons...
You should have seen me and my crew fighting some knights. Everyone charged together forming a big mass of horses (and knights on them) and I could easily throw head shots at them in near melee range (while my knights backed me up). I killed about half of them (about 10 knights) without being injured myself (all of them with a single axe to the forehead.
The conclusion: Throwing weapons are good, but you just have to know when and how to use them.
Every ranged weapons has its own weaknesses and advanatages, as said before.
I have to admit it's one of the things i like most in this game, as there is no *best ranged weapon* imo, and every game i can have a different character without having it be too weak.
I'm not a power player, and i don't blindly use something because i know that in level 30+ it will be the best thing, i use what helps me now or in the very close future (+1-2 levels)

* Crossbow : A good weapon that requires nearly no expertise.
When i was playing a pure melee knight i used a crossbow for the charge shots and as a backup weapon when i get thrown from my horse.
A crossbow gives a serious advanatage by being very accurate, and very powerful, but the delay between shots makes it a rather unconventional weapon except for rare occasions.
* Thrown weapons : A good secondry weapon that requires decent amount of skills invested.
My current character is a lancer with throwing jarid, i empty them nearly every fight, and they also prove again and again to be an excellent backup weapon when i get thrown from my horse.
Also when using a lance you often get in spots without charge and without reach, throwing weapons prove to be very effecient at those close ranges and they deal a huge amount of damage usually killing foes in one strike.
* Bows : A deadly weapon for marksmen.
I can barely compare a bow to a thrown weapon as a secondry weapon, it is slower to switch to a bow and expect to land a serious shot, or expect it to improve much unless you stricly use it as a primary weapon.
With proper skills and training though, everyone knows a bow is a superiour ranged weapon - unlike thrown weapons it hits foes from far away and has a large stack of projectiles (if you use more than 2 slots for it - ie if you focus on it), and unlike crossbows it doesn't require such a long reload between shots and actually improves over time.
Consider also that thrown weapons don't need to have their crosshairs aimed like bows (or, to a lesser degree, crossbows). This means that you don't need that half-second to wait for the reticule to focus so your arrow goes into his forehead instead of over his shoulder. Thrown weapons are good ranged weapons for a slow infantry unit, like a dismounted knight. Despite the fact that they don't "unfocus" over time, they probably shouldn't be used as a sniping weapon. I use them during lulls in the fight; when I kill the last enemy in my immediate vicinity, but I see another wave charging, or some of them grouping up on my allies, I start throwing.
Thrown weapons are a lot of fun mounted, but I certainly wouldn't use them as my only weapon. My favourite tactic with those if to ride right past a foot soldier and throw the jarid/javelin down to the side...sort of like a lance that you leave behind. With a bit* of timing and some practice you'll get a headshot with a hefty speed bonus 9 times out of 10. Other than that, crossbows are no fun at all because they make the game too easy, bows are a bit more fun but only mounted.

Crossbows are lethal but take too long to reload and once enemies catch up its melee time...unless you cope with the stupidly long reload time on horseback and use weaker xbows (still decent mind since headshots will still send anyone to heaven). Bows are great but seem to be greatly innacurate even at very high skill levels ...although with a bit of practise probably make the best all round ranged solution. However...thrown weapons while having the most limited supply and range absolutely OWN at mid-range and because you are able to carry a shield with one you are practically guaranteed a victory in one on one duels with bow/ crossbowmen. I soloed 15 dark hunters/knights with 3 bags of throwing axes only once...nuff said. (with the new AI these guys are about the toughest enemy to pull that off against).
Bows used to be a no brainer. Too bad they nerfed horse archery. It used to be that a good level 30+ horse archer was nigh unstoppable.

xbows got better. Used to just be early game killer. Now, hunting and light crossbows can be reloaded on horseback. It's actually even better than on foot since even on foot, you can't reload while moving.

thrown weapons just have bad range. To nail someone beyond something like 5-6 range, you don't even have the target on screen any more as you have to tilt your head real high.

Bows are still the best though. Just play as foot archer and have crazy athletics.
I was just kidding, and I don't think I bolded that, er, you did? And that's the only post I've ever seen on this forum where someone has bragged about their archery. Christ, it seems like I'm always modest, then when I want to brag a little, someone goes ABSOLUTELY APE****.
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