Random Things I Like About M&B

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I've spent alot of time talking about things I'd like to see. Here are some little things I already like a great deal:

A) Faces. As a mounted archer I've had a good deal more time to actually watch targets and having so many with seemingly unique appearances really makes things seem more real. It's quite a nice touch.

B) Terrain. The random maps, while they can feel a bit repetative, are really fun. I wouldn't trade 'em for anything. One aspect I really enjoy is my broken up LOS. The first thing I do, after telling my guys to stay put or follow me, is look for high ground to see what the heck's going on. On an intuitive basis that feels right to me. I'd imagine that's what most leaders in my situation in this era would do. Go out and see for yourself what's going on. Do your own recon.

C) Simple combat rules. Right click, block. Left click, hit. Coupled with maneuver and feints it feels about right without going overboard with complications or artificial feeling Street Fighter combos.

D) Uncluttered visuals. Not too much interface to mess up immersion. While for some games all kinds of indicators and information are necessary in a cinematic game like M&B that kind of thing would feel like a boom mic dropping into a panoramic shot. It's one reason I start feeling a bit uneasy when I see things like the attack arrows creeping in. The more intuitive the combat the better, IMHO. If I'm moving or looking a certain way I should get a particular attack without any visual aids necessary, if possible.

C) Rational seeming AI. Most times units seem to try to do things that make sense and it's improving all the time. I'd like to see the AI have a better response to getting strafed by a mounted archer (like myself) than just wandering around half-heartedly in hapless pursuit. Perhaps scattering or just ignoring me to charge at more vulnerable forces. Or even running away...fleeing the field should be an option, perhaps?

D) Historial feeling weaponry and armor. Makes things feel a bit more fleshed out and focused.
Well thought post.

Humm, I have one reservation -- the AI controlled heroes, soldiers and bandits seem to have uncanny vision about the direction of where enemy is., even if they are out-of-sight It is okay for it makes things go faster and smoother. However, I still do my own recon most of the time. If I want more realistic treatment, well, I know where I should ask. :grin:

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