Hi folks
Here’s my list of random suggestions. I know a lot of these ideas are already around but it doesn’t hurt to say them one more time.
1. Some kind of speed slider on the campaign map, so we can increase or decrease the rate that time passes
2. More campaign map detail. I'm sure this is on the way. Can't wait to see villages (see point 9) as well as towns. More detail to everything; rivers, streams, roads and tracks, farmland around towns etc.
3. Some kind of correlation between campaign map topography and the battlefield map. Hill's where it's hilly and flat where it's flat etc.
4. Camping! I think if you're out in the wilds you should have to strike camp if your troops are tired. This could lead to really cool night time attacks from enemies. Conversely - if you encounter a camp at night you could charge in take out the guards and maybe catch troops without armour.
5. Ambushes. Particularly good for the catch the Nobleman type missions. You know the path the noble man is going to take. How about having the ability to set an ambush anywhere on that route? This would mean selecting an area of the road and placing your troops on the battlemap (one with a road going through it).
6. Which leads me on to more battle maps. Maps with roads through for starters. Village maps, urban maps, castle maps... all in the future maybe.
7. Enemy groups to have a definite leader (carrying a flag perhaps) taking the leader down could maybe affect their overall morale.
8. Smarter enemies on the battle map. Sometimes they should know when to run.
9. Idea for a new mini mission. Defend the villiage against bandits; Seven Samurai style
10. Inventory management. Maybe more experience should allow you more weapon slots. So you can choose from more weapons without returning to the chest.
edit: 11. A vetinary skill perhaps so we can heal injured horses
What do you think?