Random items

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i want to create a item database by program with about 5000-10000 items, all with completly random values. Price will be calculated with damage*reach*speed or whatever.

i want to ask 2 question before do this :

- can the game handle that many items ?
- do the mearchants will have free spaces left so you can sell stuff ? I dont want that their inventory if full then.
if it works i will upload the program itself and probably expand it for troops and maybe quests too.

but thats not for now. i need to know what the game can handle, then i can decide.
The game wouldprobably crash if you even tried. There arn't nearly that many spaces in the merchants inventory, and I don't think it really knows not to overfill the stock. I'm not an expert modder or anything, but I don't think this will work.
will test this tomorror, by fill in each item 5 times or something like this.

atm there are more items too, then would fill in the vendors inventory, and its not full anyway.

will test it :smile:
10000 item's is certainly impossible , im not sure any game has 10000 different items in it.

I don't know for a fact the limit for item's , although i know that the max for troops is 255 , so i can't see the item limit being 10000 or even 1000 for that matter.
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