Random freezing in menus and entering scenes

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I've had mount and blade for about a year now and it always worked fine. I recently have been having problems where that, after creating a new character or even using an old one, I cannot enter into a town scene, a battle field scene, a castle or even move far on the world map before the screen loads the scene up and if I move, the screen freezes in some places leaving a shard of image of where I was standing but I can still hear my horse moving or boew firing when I fire it. It happens in the merchant windows. I'v downloaded all my mods again to make it work, downloaded native againa ter deleting everything else and its really starting to annoy me now. I think I've spent roughly 20 hours redownloading stuff and trying different settigns and I have had to delete my favourtite Nord character. Please help!
Yeah my dawn of war still worked, and its not displaying 2-D. Its like when I enter a scene, I can see everything but when I move some parts of it freeze and others continue so it looks like a mosaic... wierd huh?
Gah too much trouble, maybe its somethign with my winrar. It keeps saying I need to but it and its only the mods I download with it that are giving me trouble. Thanks for the advice though, if y'all can think of anything else I appreciate it but if its just somethign screwed and I need a technician thats too much trouble.
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