Random crash to desktops

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Hello, I am using version .632. My computer is an AMD 2800 XP, 1024MB of RAM, and a Radeon Pro 9800 128MB graphics card.

The game has a habit of randomly, and I mean RANDOMLY, crashing. It doesn't seem to be caused by anything in particular. I can be buying items, training, travelling from town to town, fighting in a battle, and the game freezes, then I am kicked to my desktop. No error messages or anything. I have tweaked all of the available graphics possible. I have reduced texture detail, turned of bumpmapping, turned off the sound, turned off pixel shaders, and also disabled everything in the in game Video Options menu. However, none of these seem to do the trick. At times I can play for 10+ mins, but crashes usually happen within 2-3 minutes of each other, if that.

Only two things I have not tried yet:

1)Reinstalling the game
2)Changing my video card driver (which is up to date)

I can play all other current gen games fine. FPS is 120+. I have tried reducing the battle size. I created a new game and thought that it wasn't going to crash...but it did.

Is there any sort of error log? Any way for me to figure out what is happening?
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