Random battle map - Trees

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I have a problem: My laptop is not a very good spec and until i get a new computer i cannot run Mount and Blade without putting all the graphic settings on low.

The main problem i find, is when there are trees on the battlefield. I find when there are very few trees, my game runs much smoother, and it enables me to put battle size on 100 without lagg.

So my question: Is there a way (an easy way at that) to remove trees from the random battle map generator? (just random maps, i'm not bothered about villages/towns/castles or anything).

I'm hoping there is a way. But because of my poor expertise in coding/editing i wouldn't know where to start, but if someone could look into this for me i would be very grateful :smile:

This would make the game run a lot smoother for me, and indeed, anyone else who's systems have poor graphical capabilites.
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