Rampant Speculation!!!!

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Is anyone else dreaming about Mount and Blade's mod tools? Maybe someone already knows a bit about how they're going to work... maybe someone can promise me that they'll work in ENGLISH (or French if you must... at the very least Latin...) and not in C++ or Hexadecimal, or Assmebly, or any other kind of unfriendly programming language. I'm hoping for a graphical interface, maybe some click and drag, point and click, fill in the values stuff... Beginner tools.... the besty kind there is... for me... a beginner...

I've never worked with any kindof modding tools before, so I really don't know much about them. I've made lots of levels and stuff for other games, and I've rattled away with RPGMaker2000 for a year or two and made a pretty decent (but strictly linear) RPG with it, which I have not (nor will ever) let anyone else play because... my hard drive got wiped (by me, for reasons urelated to the shame that "game" caused me) and the game is gone now.

How do "modding tools" usually work? And how do you people think these modding tools are going to work?

@Armagan: Feel free to tell me what they do and how they work so far. :grin:
Some of modding could be done "user friendly". Like replacing textatures, stats etc. But I doupt that any serious coding could be done without knowledge of the used langueage (C++ or whatever).
All I would want to do is make myself able to join the khergits! New Faction Button! Okay, maybe that's just wishful thinking. Y ou're probably right about needing some programming skills, but maybe there could be some type of psyedo-english-Basic-esque emulated programming language.


I Type:

Create New Party @ Spawn point 5
"Khergit Invaders"
Insert '80' "Black Khergit Raiders"

The modding tools might be able to turn that into code? I don't know, this is all just Dun dun DUN!! Rampant Speculation!!!!!!.
some easy modding tools like texture replacements or how to implent new items and weapons, i would like my mount&blade look like the 1000 ad era with jerusalem and teutonic knights and knights templar runnin around

(yes im fascinated by templar knights)
I also hope they are beginner friendly because I don't know how to code. But most of the time I'll just be fiddling with armor and weapon skins. :grin:
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