SP - General Raiding willingness to depend on trait Mercy

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I suggest to reduce willingness to raid for lords with positive trait Mercy+ (Mercifull) to almost never (as it also depends on lord's finances after last patch).
And to reduce a little that willingness for lords with neutral Mercy.
And for Cruel lords current rate of probability of raiding looks like ok.

Also a town could send a half of it's garrison to help a village as a troop on the campaign map which is to return back to town in case of being frightened by raider-lord or after successfull defence.

The reason to do so as I see it is that it's so annoying for now there are too much raids of your villages. So you're trying to prevent all those raiding half the playing time instead of real gameplay. It's not so important for me economically wise but rather Role Playing wise. I'd like my villages to stay healthy and prosperous.

Thank you.
Not a bad idea. What would you think about adding honor to that as well? I know AI parties are riad happy, but once diplomacy gets fully implemented, would there be even more severe consequences for raiding villages? We lose relation now, but if it made others see you as a cruel, honorless person then perhaps they would refuse to even speak with you. That could go with notables as well as the villages themselves. Word gets around that you raid every village you can and other villages may start to close their doors, not offering trade or recruits (which they really shouldn't without at least some threats while hostile anyway).

I also like your idea about sending out garrison troops, but there may need to be circumstances there. It would probably need to take into account things like:
  • Proximity of all enemies in the area - If there are 6 hostile parties running around, or a hostile army close by, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to leave the fortifications to help one village.
  • Number of villages associated with the fief - Since more than one can be raided at the same time
  • Hostile party/army size - If they are just going to get butchered, why go?
  • Village militia size - Calculated into the dispatchable garrison party size for other calculations
  • Garrison size/troop tiers - To calculate if it is viable to even attempt to split that garrison. ie: if your garrison has 60 troops and the enemy has 200, you don't want to send 30 out and only have 30 left to guard the castle/town.
  • Villiage prosperity - Why save a village that just recovered from a raid and has virtually no worth anyway?
  • Village distance - If the village is half a day or more away, the dispatched garrison party would take at least a full day to return. Would they be able to get to the village in time to make a difference? Would they be able to get back before another hostile party began a siege?
This could also turn into tactics for the player as well. By attacking villages, you get the town/castle to send out support, thus leaving their fief less guarded overall. By whittling down their available defenders, you could make a siege easier for yourself. On the other hand, raiding villages and dealing with support takes time and you risk other hostile parties showing up, or even return hostilities on your own fiefs.

I like where this could go.
Yeah, leaving a town for a part of garrison could be risky. But I see it as tactical moment as well. You can also consider it just straight as RP behaviour assuming sometimes garrison reinforcements be doing big mistake leaving the town(castle) and sometimes doing that for a good reason.

- Lets assume a town can help only one village at the same time.
- The trigger for sending reinforcements could be frightened villages coming to town for help. It will get more time to start but anyway it has good chances to reduce the damage and looks more meaningful and systematic than just random friendly troop occasionally walking around. Also after frightened villages came to town, garrison gets info about raiders party size and decides to go or not.
- The main mecanics to save the moving garrison is its own fear in the way it is already realized in the game. If there are mighty troops close to town it will never leave the town, just like any lord does stay in town in the same situation. Also I suggest once moving garrison is frighted it goes straight back to town and doesn't make any other try for this particular raid.

Btw RP wise for garrison it is a matter of life and death too, as after village is get raided it's gonna be food shortage and dieing garrison troops.
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