Raiding quests

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One of the raider quests that i'm on is bugged. Not sure if its been mentioned before, but its the one where you have to kill the raiders who raided Tulga, and get them before they reach Sargoth. I waited for at least a week, and I havn't seen them at all (Ive been patrolling between Sargoth and Tulga)
VaeVictus said:
One of the raider quests that i'm on is bugged. Not sure if its been mentioned before, but its the one where you have to kill the raiders who raided Tulga, and get them before they reach Sargoth. I waited for at least a week, and I havn't seen them at all (Ive been patrolling between Sargoth and Tulga)

They must have wandered somewhere else. Ran away from somebody, or chased someone... They ARE somewhere on your map right now, the only problem is WHERE?! :roll:

either search the whole map for them (Good luck here!) or ignore the quest: they will reach Sargoth and you will fail the quest - can start a new one!
I had this same problem, some 100 days later (yes I do play this game far too much) the raiders are still no where to be found and the quest still appears on the list. I suspect they got killed by a computer controlled party and this caused the quest to "crash"
That happens from time to time. The raiding party never shows up because it was eliminated by another party but if you go and talk to the noble that gave you the quest, as okiN sugested, he'll credit you with the success of the quest and give you your reward.
Nope, doesn't work, tried it and it came up with the standard "I'm stll working on it" conversation. But that games crashed now anyhoo (along with my level 32 knight! :sad: )
I had a similar bug. I had to kill the raiders at rivacheg before they reach some other town, but in my questlog it said to hunt down the robbers at UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN <s3> before the reach UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN <s4>. I also didn't find them anywhere.
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